
Saturday 18 June 2016


I felt compelled to paint again last night for the first time since 2015, and the painting is called 'Silversides'. I haven't been able to scan it properly in a direct scan, so I have taken a photograph of it on my computer screen.

However, what happens is that it makes the water on the left appear on the right. Although I am sure that you will be able to get a feel for it.

When I began painting the paint kept on bleeding, and I thought this person is 'bleeding love', and the paint does bleed off the page. A bleed page is terminology in publishing, when the colour goes off the page in the four directions and on four sides.

As I was painting I could see Art Deco architecture in the painting and felt that this could be a past life. Although after I took a screen shot of the painting, I discovered that Dr Who TV series did some set design with Art Deco.


To me it looks like a spaceship with wings in the heavens, and I can see the numeric of 4 in it, and pyramid shapes. I also see a fire Lotus flower in the top of it. Its certainly an interesting shape and quite different from my other paintings for people. The fire Lotus is in the point of upwards, going up, the way is up.

I see water inside the design, and as we know water is important to humanity, in fact very important, as humanity cannot survive without water.

There are a lot of feathery type waves in it and that could indicate the vibrations and frequencies that this person is currently experiencing in this timeline. The numeric of four can have many different meanings depending on what reality you are looking at. It can be a life number, a timing, it can also be to do with a heavenly reality that the person is flying through at an amazing pace.

In numerics the number 4 is a feminine number, and it rules the instincts, it is associated with the planet mercury that impacts upon communications. People with this numeric are closely associated with Gemini/Virgo and the key word is 'Thought' and the power of thought that is integrated when people are sailing through the 4th dimension. My advice to this person is to see where you have gemini or virgo in your astrology chart to see how it is impacting upon you at this time.

Powerful links with building, architecture, design in traditional organisations with the numeric of four. Health wise you would have to keep an eye on your kidneys, bladder, headaches, and any nervous tension in the body in this timeline.

So relaxation and eating for your endocrine system is very important for you. So make sure that you have your fresh celery for your adrenals, the body also likes grapes and other gentle fruit. You have enough water to replenish your flowers that are in fiery colours for you at this time, and you have just enough greenery either side of you. I hope that makes sense and helps you with your soul journey in this timeline. I hope that a direct scan of the painting, can be provided for you as soon as possible.

The colour that bleeds off the page is the colour of spiritual transformation and that also links into the thymus of acceptance. When people are healing themselves, they often put their hands on their thymus and heart. One hand laid below the other. When people are being given healing, practitioners often put their hands on the crown and thymus, or crown and heart.

I see there is some goings on in the spiritual transformation that surrounds you. I see also a feminine face with a look of exclamation, and on the other side some type of large animal. What others say to you as no impact on you or your direction. You are intent on what you do, and how you activate the various aspects of your life. You have a strong structure indicated by the design in the painting and this indicates a strong person. When you decide to uplift you do it, when you decide to move you do it, you are safe with who you are as a person, and you do have a strong will for good-will that can elevate at an instant just like a spacecraft.

There is certainly a lot of activity in the crown of your head, just allow it to unfold and reveal to you what it would like to reveal. I see you as a stabilising influence upon those around you, and I do think we shall be getting a lot more space news - due to the painting being a spaceship design.

Best wishes

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