
Thursday 16 June 2016


In the dream that included the Conservatives and their 'full scale war' I shared the origins of Conservatism, Toryism and its mentality towards the poor. That original post that included two dreams, was followed up by the Michael Gove post.

What I find strange is why those Americans that are sincere, merciful and compassionate, haven't taken the compassionate action to expose the American system and brought it into the light of the day, has I was divinely guided to do. Veterans in America are suffering and so are many other people, poverty and homelessness in he USA is huge.

As shared in the previous posts, the system was first introduced to the UK when the Blair-Brown administration introduced the 'work assessments' with the French MOT company ATOS. Following investigations into their activity, they were replaced by Maximus. Jeremy Corbyn as now called what they do as 'Cruelty'. Maximus is giving financial incentives of up to £20,000 a month for its staff to stand against the poor and disabled.

Maximus and its 'cash cows' that are smashing people like china, 'bulls in a china shop', that's why there are so many suicides due to what DWP and the politicians have done and continue to do.

They have a bull at Wall Street don't they? Remember the film 'They kill horses'? Is it any wonder that Corbyn has referred to what they do as 'Cruelty'?

What Americans can do is now share when the system was first introduced in America and by whom, we know about the origins of CBT IAPT that also came out of America. Academic health professionals in Europe and America have spoken at a conference in the UK in 2014, challenging CBT IAPT. What we require from the Americans is for them to expose Maximus and the rest of the American system.

I can tell you this; that if the Americans had exposed it when it was first introduced in America, if the Americans that care fully for people had shared that with Europeans, it could've saved the Europeans a lot of heartache, and maybe even a lot of lives could've been saved. Its no coincidence that Americans have such a high incidence of heart conditions, all the heartache.

Its no coincidence that the name of the American corporation is MAXIMUS, and that is the name of a commander of the armies of the North. No surprise then that the biblical prophecies of Daniel mention the king of the North and the direction of the north is to do with health and healing.

The film Gladiator included Maximus and it was made by film director Ridley Scot. His brother Tony who was a photographer prior to becoming a film director committed suicide. Tony went on from photography for the advertising industry, to directing TV commercials, followed by feature films.

I made an approach to Ridley Scot's company, I also made an approach to David Putnam at the House of Lords prior to the suicide of Tony Scott, as there is a very important story to tell. David Putnam was also friends with our Queen of Hearts, Diana. However, the Brits associated with the British film industry were not interested in sharing the truth with the world.

Remember this Bono stood with Tony Blair, and Bob Geldof is standing against Nigel Farage and the people of our country that wish to leave the EU.

Let me tell you this 'Wisdom has two sides' Job 11:6

'One side is all knowing, and the other side is purity personified'. 

Jesus foretold that Wisdom would be proven right.

Could you say the same about the Gladiator Maximus and those that he fought for?

Scottish Resistance against Maximus. 

Is it surprising that Tony Blair introduced the American system into the UK? Is Tony Blair a true socialist? How many wars did he start? Do you know? True socialists are peacemakers, they stand against war as the Son of Joseph did. As Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers'.

Tony Blair is also a Catholic, the Vatican and Church with its own city and bank. Remember this that the Catholic Church have stood against healing and complimentary medicine for 2,000 years. Tony Blair created an army alongside the EU that also introduced the American system into EU countries.

Remember this human rights exist, people have a human right to housing, they also have a human right to food. That is why the UN sent two different investigators from the UN, to investigate what the British politicians were doing to our people.

However, it begs the question, did the UN investigate what America was doing to its people? Surely not, otherwise every American in the USA would be fed, and housed. So how can Obama have the audacity to stand on the UN podium when there is even more poverty and homelessness than there was prior to him taking office? Obama should give his peace prize back!

During the Liberal Democrat administration it didn't get easier for the Americans, it became harder to live in the country. It comes to something when a person cannot afford to live due to politics that is the bane of peoples lives.

They've been Americanising the UK for a long time, with films, TV, and its systems. It truly is time for people in the UK and Europe to wake up to what is going on. We have to leave the EU, because the EU plan to make all the health systems in Europe the same, and that means the same as America with their 'industry of death' instigated by the pharmaceutical corporations.

There is a lot of money involved in health isn't there, there is if you work for Maximus or the pharmaceutical industry. Are you motivated by money or are you motivated by love that compels the heart to take action to share the truth to help our people that are vulnerable?

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