
Saturday 25 June 2016


I've received another dream and it was vivid, in the dream there was a person, a man and the dream was about health, the person's health condition had gone from an initial condition to a different health condition because he hadn't been treated properly or quickly enough.

The man was showing me what had happened to his hands. There was an animal in the dream too, and it looked like donkey/shetland pony. A message was received at the end of the dream and for the life of me I couldn't remember it when I was fully awake. I should've written it down when I could remember it.

In the UK, DWP are going after the disabled that ride and there is a charity called 'Riding for the Disabled'. Locally it is run by local people for local people. DWP are telling people that if they can ride then they go to work. Most of the people that go to riding for the disabled are children with learning and physical difficulties and some of the adults are being taught carriage driving.

DWP are also refusing to provide any financial support to people with degenerative conditions and remember recently I posted the information about the 'Parkinson's Dream', that also had a horse and ponies in the dream. After that we had the Epsom Derby and Cassius Clay passed over due to that health condition.

HEALTH has been an important aspect of the recent referendum, especially for those that work in healthcare in the UK, those whose families that have been impacted by it, and those that care passionately for it. People that work in the NHS are aware the changes that have been made since the UK went into the EU project. They know the amount of privatisation that has been going on, for profit sub-contractors that are allowed to put the NHS logo on their documentation. So the innocent are unaware that it is a private company. Breast screening and podiatry are just two examples of that.

There has also been an introduction of American systems into our national health care and it includes CBT that came from an Aaron Beck in Philadelphia, and MAXIMUS INC that have been sub-contracted by DWP to sanction our people that are either 'unemployed' or 'disabled'.

In dream interpretation to dream of a donkey can be to do with love and relationships and it is considered to be favourable. However, in biblical prophecy the donkey is to do with the animal that carries the burden. So for instance when I first travelled to Greece and the Greek Islands, (in the 70s) it was the donkeys that were carrying our cases to our accommodation, and it was the donkeys that were carrying the newly weds.

However, the animal in the dream looked more like a Shetland pony, and the Scottish have been campaigning against American Maximus Inc in Scotland so why did they vote to remain in the EU Project? In Ireland it has been discovered that some voted to remain, because they thought that England would vote to remain, and the Irish didn't wish to jeopardise their business relationships with the English.

Back to the riding, it is written that therapeutic riding began in Ancient Greece in around 600BC, and I've been given the date of 603BC prior to this by the heavenly Father.

Its no coincidence that I received a letter from DWP yesterday, and a letter from the NHS today.

It is a known fact that when people receive those letters they have been known to 'commit suicide' due to what was written to the patients.

In the book of Corinthians it mentions the 'Letter kills, but the Spirit gives life'. 2 Corinthians 3:6 Then if we cross reference that with the book of Kings what do we find?

We find 'Jezebel' directed in the letters that she had written to them'. 1 Kings 21:11 She is also mentioned in Rev 2, and in my humble view, she was an American that sent a letter to spiritual people in the UK, to close their facility. Due to her wishing to have the gain from the financial asset that had been donated by an Englishman for the charity in England. A charity that had been established in London by an Englishman on behalf of the American woman, who has since passed over.

Now although that American woman ECP has passed over, what we are looking at is the actuality of the 'Letter kills, but the Spirit gives life' 2 Corinthians 3:6, we are looking at her actions that co-created the end of something in the UK, how those actions relate to what is happening in the UK.

We've read the evidence and facts of it happening in the UK to our people when they receive those letters.

As far as my dreams and visions are concerned I can cite Hosea, 'I spoke to the Prophets, gave them many visions, and told parables through them'. Hosea 12..

They weren't banking on the arrival of ELIJAH to take on those that had been directed in the letters were they? It was after the Rev 12 timeline began that the Englishman that had been directed by the American letter to close the facility in London; was brought into my life. He willingly and openly shared the story of what he had started, and what transpired with that American woman that was the inspiration for the spiritual charity that had begun in the UK.

Of course when that facility closed, there were a lot of people who had contributed to it, that were very upset indeed. Just like people are upset when NHS health facilities are closed in the UK, due to the cuts in health budgets and the clinical commissioning groups.

A lot of buildings that were utilised for health in the UK, had been donated by wealthy charitable givers, then since we've been members of the EU Project, a lot of those buildings and the land as been sold to property developers, that built houses to house people. That wasn't the intention of the wealthy charitable givers when they donated those buildings for the health of the people.

The fact is that the American charity required the money from the UK property asset and financial donations, to pay their staff wages in America. That is the truth, and Jesus foretold that the truth would be disclosed. It was even shared with me by the man that signed the cheques, how cheques from a British bank account was being written in the names of Americans, so that Americans could cash those cheques. Hello, was he awake?

Now let's get back to those 'letters' that they send out, they include information that suits their purpose of sanctioning the people, and they exclude information that can help the case of the patient. 

Where is the mercy, compassionate action and loving kindness in that? 

So for instance, a clinician doesn't take a full case history, and only writes what supports his case. No mention of when the 'injury' happened, what has transpired since the 'accident' happened.

No mention of prior to the 'injury' happening. No mention of other health conditions that are impacting upon the existing health condition; to give a bigger and fuller picture of what is going on with the person's body. 

So for instance the clinician, a Rheumatologist,  will ask you about your eyes, mouth and ears, they then don't give a record of your response to your GP.

They cause you pain that makes you scream and cry, during a physical examination, and then they write to your GP telling your GP everything is normal.

Its normal to scream and cry when your joints move in an examination, is it? 

They then write a letter to the GP telling the GP that you require more exercise, they don't tell the GP about the exercise that you are involved in, and what you shared with the clinician during your meeting.  They don't write about the other health conditions that people are experiencing, e.g. Sciatica and what the patient as done about the condition that they have experienced.

Do you get what's happening to our people?

You can also share what other professionals have said about your condition, and they 'ignore' what the other professionals have written in their reports. 

Sometimes they don't even examine you at all, because they tell you it causes you too much pain for them to do so. Then they write a letter saying that they have examined you to your GP.  Especially those back consultants. 

Ask for an MRI scan, due to the fact that you have had 'cancerous cells' and operations during your life for it, and they refuse it. In 2012, the neurologists in London sent out national guidelines to all GP's that all patients with long-standing back issues must be given an MRI scan as soon as possible. 

Something else they do, your GP refers you to the hospital to see a consultant about the progression of a health condition in your hands that can clearly be seen by the size of your bone. They end up x-raying your left foot again, and don't x-ray your hand. Where is the sense in that? Seriously, its a good job I am a healer, and am intuitive to my body. Strong in heart and Spirit. 

Although what concerns me the most; is our people that can't defend themselves as I can do, Zion defends. Another aspect of the dream of the man who came to talk to me about his health condition that he was experiencing, it was clearly to do with 'arthritis' and that is caused by physical trauma. We also know scientifically that physical trauma changes DNA and so can sound change DNA.

When I saw the local hospital Rheumatologist, he did not ask if I had received any 'injury' to my left hand, or about those 'injuries' (of which I still have the scars) and they think they are the professionals. I know that I am a perfectionist when it comes to people being paid to do what they do professionally, this Aquarian was born that way. Only one in a thousand can stand before the flame of Joseph in integrity.

I think the NHS should hire me to give those health workers some proper training. How to take a case history, how to ask and report on the questions asked, and how to touch a woman and how not to touch a person. Then there is how far they make you walk to get to see their consultants, how the health condition increases seriously, so that the patient can't walk on their flat feet, due to the impact on the arches of their feet. Prophecy says that the LORD will save the 'Lame', in this timeline, surely, I was born for this.

And don't get me started on the sub-contracted and privatised Podiatry department in the NHS. I don't think that sub-contractor knows what Podiatry is or what professional Podiatry is capable of. I would sack that sub-contractor if this ex-business woman was in charge. Did the clinical commissioning group sack them after complaints were received? No, they gave that sub-contractor a new and bigger contract.

Is there any point complaining to your GP about your local hospital consultants? No, your GP practice will tell you that you have to make a complaint to the complaints department at the hospital.

Although you could also consider sending a copy of your report to the BMA, GMC and your MP.

Enough really is enough, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I am not surprised that there has been an event in Scotland. Maybe they should ask the EU Project to help them next time, instead of asking yours truly. People were warned to stay away from the entertainment parks, how many tragic 'accidents' do there have to be before people will embrace common sense? How many times do people have to be told? The Scottish have free will, use it wisely. You were invited to the feast, and you know what happens when people don't accept it. Jesus gave you a parable about that.
