
Monday 27 June 2016


In 2012 at the Olympics the dancers were dancing on the newspapers and Russell Brand was at the Olympics ceremony. The location where he lived in Thurrock voted to LEAVE.

Today the BBC were featuring photographs of a backlash in Scotland from the leave voters. I was then compelled to see what the Scottish media were saying about it. No mention of it in the Glasgow media. So what ails thee BBC?

Then while looking at the Glasgow newspaper I noticed that there was a story about England, BREXIT and chocolate. The journalist on that Glasgow newspaper had claimed that we are in 'panic' due to us not being able to sell 'Magic Stars' outside of the EU. 'Magic Stars' most would ask, what is that?

If you look for 'Magic Stars' you will find that it is a 'Milky Way' brand and its actually a chocolate drink. Then if you look at 'Milky Way' you find that the brand is owned by MARS that is an American corporation. I think the Scottish media require an education so that they know what is an American corporation versus a company that is wholly British owned. The Scottish are hilarious aren't they, and Obama was telling the people in the UK to stay in the EU.

If we remove all the American brands from our shelves due to the corporations not paying tax in our country, or because what they provide is 'unhealthy' for our people, that then offers the opportunity for innovative British companies to develop more homegrown healthy brands.

I was asked who owns Cadburys? Cadburys is an interesting case because in that case, there was another 'hostile takeover' of a great British company by America. On the day of the referendum, I met a man that brought up that case and he shared how the jobs at Cadbury's in the UK, were moved to Poland because the EU said so. So not only did that American corporation take over our company, they also took the jobs away too!

The article headline in the Scottish media was, 'Sweet-toothed Brits panic as they realise that popular chocolate cannot be sold outside of the EU'. So what arrangements did that American corporation make with the EU then? What ails thee Scotland? What ails thee America?

We don't sweat the small stuff in the UK, although our people do make big moves when we have to. We moved on mass to vote leave and there is nothing that Scotland can do about that. Would you like to leave the UK, Scotland? Go ahead, the next time you require someone to help you, then go and ask the EU Project, because my people have had enough of all the odds being stacked against them. Good gracious me, Scotland, was even given our local spiritual library that served our region.

What more do you require? All those books and CD's were donated by local people for our people. There are some historical spiritual books in that library, and some are very rare. Our people were not happy when the owner of the property where the library was kept, was removed and sent to Scotland without consideration or consultation with the our local spiritual people that had tendered, and cared for that library, and the people that came to it.

Know this that our county councils are now introducing inspections of food venues and licences to ensure that it is healthy. I did ask, 'does that mean that McDonalds will be leaving our shores and going back to America from whence it came?'. Great Scottish name that isn't it, McDonalds, big smiles, I have some Campbell ancestry.

Maybe the corporations will learn not to stack the odds against my people because when the odds were stacked against my people and me, that was it, enough really is enough. The wondrous woman from heaven rose to the challenge in the Rev 12 timeline and it really hasn't stopped since; as it overlapped with the Micah 4 prophecy of the mission to the USA.

They should've known better than to have a go at me, and my people because the Spirit gives life, and the Bride said, Come. The Spirit said, Come.

Seriously, I won't put up with it, not from Scotland or anywhere else, and nor will my people. As Maggie Thatcher advised, 'Buy British', she was fully aware that would help our British companies and workers to prosper. It also helped the Scottish people that were gifted by yours truly, with a blessing that gives life.

As Jesus foretold, 'Wisdom will be proven right', and wisdom was indeed called to do the count on the man in America. Jesus also foretold that glory would be given to his teachings when she came and that is why the woman appears in the Rev 12 prophecy, as well as many other prophecies. You see there are two sides to wisdom. 'One side is all knowing, and the other side is purity personified'.

Jesus also said that he did not know the time or the hour, but if it came in the 2nd or 3rd watch, then humanity would be blessed.


Who better to dance on the media, than those that have worked in the media, and the creative industry that funds it with their advertisers. Funny that Boris is also a journalist, he is a funny man that wished to be a rock star, another rugby player that likes a scrum. I think it would be great if he was given his own BREXIT TV show with a contract for two years, with an option for five. As we can discuss all the wonderful aspects of leaving the EU project, and all that has been gained by it. That would be really positive.

You see just because we are leaving EU membership, doesn't mean that other European countries will stop buying our brands, as we won't stop drinking French and Italian wine, or eating Greek Feta cheese, or Spanish tomatoes. Just a few examples.

I read yesterday that Spain have said that they claim the right to govern themselves. So I don't think it will be long before Spain decide to leave the EU Project too. The fact is that the UK as a 'trade deficit', and if I have to choose between eating food from Europe versus food from America that is banned in 160 countries, I know what I choose.

Although my breakfast yesterday, included Kiwis from New Zealand. The commonwealth were pleased to see Harry and William weren't they? That always means good news for the commonwealth countries, we like bananas and oranges.

The last thing that the Germans should've done is stand against Charles, and complimentary medicine, because Charles likes Reiki healing, complementary medicine and talking to his flowers.

Hey Germany, you put your man into the University at Exeter didn't you, we are awake Germany, we know what has been going on at Exeter. My people do not wear their signs on their sleeves, my people are compelled by their hearts - and the Spirit that moves them and their lives. For the LORD said that he would put the law into their hearts and so he did, to leave the EU Project.

Remove the brands that we do not require from our shelves, remove the 'trade deficit' quickly. Bring back Sure Start, and ensure that it is funded properly, to help young families to make the right choices for their children. Make sure that young families can afford to feed their families in a healthy way.

A way that improves their lives, and in so doing gives life, you see after we did the self-developmnt work with the families, they changed very quickly, in a twinkling of an eye, they became more concerned about what they were eating and why. They became more concerned about the environment and their ecological footprint. Self-Development costs, yea, wisdom does cost, although the long term gain is worth it. Did you read the parable of the Virgins?

You can keep your 'haggis' Scotland we have no requirement for it. Short to medium term investment in our people will bring long term gain, and it was Thatcher that inspired 'Investors in People'.

Bring back large kitchens in schools where children learn home economics, how to budget, how to select the correct ingredients, what to look for, the importance of seasonal food in your culture. What cultural food is - and why it is important due to the land where you live.

Educate children about nutrients and why it is important to have a balance of nutrients for your health. How to cook that food to make delicious and healthy recipes for your families.

How those nutrients impact on your body and which system in your body. What food shouldn't you eat if you have a specific health condition, do you know?

My son loved kiwis as a child, he knew intuitively what his body required. He loved his fruit bowl that I would fill up for him every week. When I was a child I liked lemons and lemons have an important nutrient for the brain to help the brain to assimilate Vit K, my soul knew what the body required.

Fish and chips used to be an economical meal in the UK, that went out of the window with the EU Project fisheries policy, and our farmers tell me that their income has not increased since the 70s. At the same time as salaries for other people haven't increased in real terms since the 80s'.

That was when we were in the EU Project. Thatcher knew what was coming with immigration due to the EU Project, so she did her utmost to ensure that our people had 'security of tenure' by making it possible for those people to purchase their homes.

The thing is when people voted for Cameron, they didn't give him a power of attorney, or the right to charge young families and women over 60 a bedroom tax. The children did not consent to having their bedrooms being taken away from them, as such, Cameron and anyone else that implemented it are in contravention of UN human rights law. Every person as the right to food and a home, every child has to be involved in very decision that impacts on those children. Cameron didn't seem to get it, that's why the UN sent investigators to investigate what Cameron and DWP were doing to our people.

Such a great job that EU Project did, didn't it? I don't think you can afford the high cost of the EU Project Scotland, and do you know what? I don't think that the UK can afford the cost of Scotland either, as the oil won't last forever. So independence it is with the devolution that is coming to be for everyone that would like it. And remember this we had workers rights prior to the EU Project, in fact, my people had more workers rights than they do now. Another reason for leaving the EU Project.

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