
Saturday 11 June 2016


The message that I received this morning was about my HANDS, and your hands can tell a person a lot about your health as it is written in the flesh of your hands. I once knew a palmist who said that she stopped reading peoples palms; due to what she could see written in the hands of the people to do with their health in the future.

In the 90's I received a palm reading with an Indian man in London, and he was forthright on making sure that I knew that I had to ensure that I received enough minerals for my health.

So what do I see if I look at my hands? The main bone on the left hand as got bigger than it was, a health condition that is visible for any eye to see, it is a symptom of 'arthritis' and that condition is triggered by physical trauma, e.g. a dog bite and a nail that went into that hand. The scars that still exist created the initials YW. 


There are health conditions that some people co-create for themselves due to their life choices. Then there are health conditions due to what was done to you, and that can manifest in different ways, due to the impact of physical trauma to trigger different health conditions into existence. So for instance a serious 'skin disease' is due to mutated genetics; due to the cuts to the physical body, proven scientifically. New Scientist, May 2006 issue.

Hence, a baby that had its cord cut too short by the medics, then screamed for ten days, before the medics gave the baby surgery for an hernia, mutated genetics.

My blue veins are accentuated more so on the left hand, and there is a little amount of pigment discolouration on the back of both hands, that has also happened on my face. It is often the case that people experience skin discolouration, the older they get.

I've had blue skin discolouration on my knees although that has been helped with hot bath and healing oils, it clears it, until it comes back again. Interesting that Krishna was viewed as being blue.

The lines written in the flesh on the front of both hands, have become far more complex, than they were when they were last photographed for those photographs above.

It is confirmation that life has become far more complex, with the health situation that is far more complex than most people can comprehend.

So much so that medical scientists are now saying that they have to develop a new test for diagnosis that could be gained from taking a swab from the mouth. Due to the importance of the saliva that can provide important information from the endocrine system and beyond.


Isaiah 54 the woman established in righteousness.

In spiritual symbology the hand is a symbol of the great mother, as bounteous giver and protector and Zion defends.

In Judaism, the hand of God is the right hand of the majesty on high. The right hand is the hand of power, giver of blessings and pledges of the life principle. Healing hands are also radiant in the giving of hands-on-healing.

Thank the LORD for our Rastafarians,
as he foretold, 'The Rastafarians are coming'.

May God bless the Rastafarians, and all that they do and say to defend the children of our country and their sovereignty. Zion defends those that are being 'oppressed'.

"All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. In righteousness you will be established'. Isaiah 54:13-14 

As far as the young woman that spoke about 'workers rights', in that video, we've had 'workers rights' prior to entry into the EU membership. In fact, we had more 'workers rights' prior to the development of the EU and its 'unelected officials'. 

Also our truck drivers were on strike a decade ago, and the people and the children, supported our truck drivers. The people of our country have the ability to bring the UK to its knees within days if the people decide to do so. As dad taught, the power is with the people of our country, when they take their power back and are united for a common cause. 

500 applications for an interview, and a person is lucky if they get one interview, when four out of five jobs are going to foreigners. I watched what happened to a local business, when all of the staff were replaced with new immigrants that couldn't speak English, how could that possibly happen? 

The franchise changed hands, it was a different business owner in charge of the business. All the English staff were replaced with people from Sri Lanka, they couldn't even speak the language of the country that they had migrated too - and that woman in the head scarf as the audacity to talk about 'Workers Rights'. What about the workers rights of the British that were happy in their jobs, prior to the immigrants taking those jobs? 

The British workers were pushed out to make way for immigrants and the same has happened to people and their homes. Cameron introduced the 'Bedroom Tax', to try to force people to move into smaller properties, when in fact, he doesn't even have enough smaller properties for people to move into. 

Not only that but he made children share their bedrooms without consultation with the children. Children have human rights too, and Cameron is in 'contravention' of the Human Right of Children. 

Cameron took the pension away from 1950's women, he also took away their ability to have dental healthcare. The fact is that oral health impacts on bodily health, and bodily health impacts on oral health. As such, he is costing the nation a lot more in the long run, you cannot remove the financial flexibility of people, and expect it to make no difference to their health.

The fact is that the correct nutrients cost money, and the older that people become, the more crucial they are to their health. As such, the older people are, the more financial help they should receive to assist the people to alleviate their health conditions. 

How does Cameron expect people to pay for it? Is that what Cameron calls streamlining European healthcare to stay in the EU? Or is he really interested in privatising the NHS, and that is why the top job in the NHS was given to an American from the American private healthcare corporation. 

The healthcare in America is not providing for its people, 'disease incidence' in the USA is increasing at a rate that is far bigger than its medical profession can resolve. America that pumped its people with high dosage pharmaceuticals, and when a brand gets banned in the USA due to what it created. 

America then sells those products to a third world country, where is the integrity in that? Are you still interested in staying in the EU with TTIP? Do Europeans seriously wish to eat food from America that has been banned in over 160 countries? Do Europeans seriously wish to pay more money for an EU army to be created so that the EU can create even more wars? 

Think carefully, and wisely before you vote on the 23rd June, as far as many are concerned it is the day that we cut the ties of Brussels, it is the day of independence for the UK. 

So what to do with my hands today? I shall put some coconut on my hands and see what other divine guidance I receive. 

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