
Friday 10 June 2016


Diane James, UKIP MEP for South East England. Shares with us in this parliamentary speech that the EU plans to harmonise all healthcare systems in the EU. I recommend that everyone that plans to vote in the forthcoming referendum on the EU listen to this speech. Diane is qualified to speak on this subject matter as she worked in healthcare for over 30 years.

It is also important that people comprehend what is going on in the NHS in the UK. In 2013, a top NHS job was given to an American from private healthcare in the USA. American healthcare systems have been and are operating in the UK, (originated by Aaron Beck) CBT (Philadelphia) with major organisational financial backing.

Professionals in British healthcare in the UK, Europe and America have challenged CBT, its stats, professionalism and integrity at a conference that was held in 2014.

The health of the people in the USA is dire, with the incidence of different health conditions rising at a rate that is beyond what their healthcare system is paying for to resolve. Yet, they gave a top NHS job to an American, where is the common sense in the UK?

The people in the UK share that American Maximus has taken over from French ATOS, and the service did not improve. Are you surprised, they didn't exactly help the veterans in the USA did they, and Jeremy Corbyn as called them out for their 'Cruelty' as he referred to what they are doing to the disabled in the UK.

People that are working for DWP are contracted to remove people with disabilities from their financial claims, and the more people that they remove the higher they get paid. Financial incentive for those that are implementing 'Cruelty', no financial help for the disabled to overcome their health conditions.

Investigative journalists in the UK went undercover to find out what was going on, and they filmed operatives talking about how they were making up to £20,000 a month to remove people from disability claims.

What they found was televised and members of the public impacted by it, uploaded a copy of it on youtube.

Also another American company, Capita, have been given the contract for the medical and dental records of British citizens. Do you get the feeling that America is taking over our healthcare system with the permission and contracts given by DWP?

We have to take our country back and vote Brexit.

If that wasn't enough to convince you, then listen to another speech from Diane James on TTIP, and her exposure of the EU and what is going on in Strasbourg. There is no transparency, there is no financial accountability, there is no responsibility. Diane shares with you that even the MEP's are not allowed to know what is going on behind closed door negotiations. If any of them do find out anything, those MEP's are then 'threatened with punishment' if they should share any of it.

From my business days, I remember that one of the main reasons given for joining the EU originally, was that if all EU members had the same currency than it would be easier for companies and their trading together.  The fact is that the UK held onto its own currency of Sterling, as such, there was no benefit as far as currency was concerned for the companies in the UK.

All that happened is that the cost of European holidays doubled and trebled in price due to the countries that had taken on the EURO and Greek tourism that they depended upon was slashed by 50% overnight. That was 50% of their revenue, and it catapulted Greece into dire financial trouble due to the sheer amount of Greek businesses that it impacted upon.

It had the domino impact on the Greek economy, due to American Goldman Sachs massaging the figures for the Greek entry to the EU. Membership of the EU has brought total heartache for the Greek people.

Then if you look at the property boom in Spain, you can see what happened to that after Spain went into the Euro, total collapse of their economical prosperity in the property market, and the jobs that were involved in it and supported it.

Spain didn't only become wealthier due to tourism, many people in Europe bought second homes in Spain. However, many of those people that didn't get out early enough, then couldn't move on when they tried to sell their properties. Many were left with what is known as 'negative equity'.

Salaries in real terms haven't increased since the late 80's in the UK, due to the high immigration that kept wages low for the corporations. That then created a heavier burden on the state to support the workers that couldn't afford to live on what they were paid, or what they could earn. There is only so much money to go around in the communities, how far do you think that you can spread it, when the cost of living is higher than many people can earn?

They would like to streamline the European healthcare systems. Is that true? More like TTIP and trade agreements with America. Obama would like the UK and other European countries to import American food that is banned in over 160 countries. Do you think that Clinton would be any different with her high fives with Turkey?

The American pharmaceutical corporations would like to increase the dosage of drugs being given to our people. Say no, we are leaving the EU membership. 

Read about the Kings College Conspiracy?

The 10th of June is the 'Day of Laughter' although I am not laughing at what is happening to our people and their health in the UK. Due to the restrictions on salaries, and the high cost of training, healing centres are closing down in the UK, and many people now can't afford complimentary health and its therapies. Seriously, who can afford £75.00 per hour session with a complimentary medicine therapist, plus the cost of any remedies that a person requires? Only the wealthy can afford that, what about the poor?

That then puts a heavier weight onto the NHS to provide what the British people are asking for. In the 90's I was sent a paper that a nurse had written on spirituality in healthcare, and the high demand for it.

Did you know that in Israel, in their hospitals, they've provided complimentary therapies to their patients for decades?

So what's the latest from London? Jonathan Pie gives us a humourous response and he covers the aspect of whether capitalism is ethical. Its more than ethics though isn't it, its about having INTEGRITY in business and pure intentions.

Pie makes some excellent points as usual, although we should remind him that Boots the Chemist is now foreign owned, and its not like it used to be.

A lot has changed since I was involved in the launches of the Boots Cosmetic ranges, now that was a great agency to work for. Lovely, lovely people with big hearts. That was before Covent Garden was transformed, those were the days, when there was only one wine bar that existed in Covent Garden and it was owned by a couple of Australians.

They made it being in the right place at the right time, then they went back home to Australia. That often happens, its all about the timing, and being in the right location with the right offer that meets the requirements of the people.

The NHS certainly require some help from the British to help save it, operation rescue, Zion defends.

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