
Thursday 5 May 2016


So my last week my son bought me a turnip for the first time in his life, and turnip isn't something that we have eaten often during our life together. When he was young I sometimes put it into soups with other root vegetables.

While I was doing inversion I saw a lot of straight lines going cross ways and afterwards it made me think of the UK election. As all of those that were vying for our votes are like turnips standing in lines at the polls. Can you believe it that in around 1700 in England, there was actually a person with the name of Turnip Townshend and he promoted turnips in a four-year crop rotation system. Does it remind you of the elections in the UK?

However, let's be serious about turnip as there are some great salad recipes on youtube for turnip and this is just one of those recipes.

Turnip root is high in Vit C, and the green leaves provide Vit A, Folate, Vit C, Vit K, they are also high in lutein. 

After inversion therapy I've had some brazil nuts and some blueberries, and I am now drinking my grape juice from Spain, while preparing my meal. 100% real grape juice. I'm going to make a grated salad with some turnip, carrot, onion, and sultanas to have with my avocado. On the turnip salad my dressing was a dash of lea and perrins, a pinch of black pepper, some paprika, and some sesame oil and I included some grated cheese. The grated cheese really made this salad for me.

And I quite fancy some cucumber, yoghurt with mint to go on the avocado.  A great favourite from Greece. So a very fluid raw meal this evening. 

1 comment:

  1. I think we had a good turnip night, UKIP have made some breakthroughs.
