
Friday 6 May 2016

Mayor of London

I didn't agree with everything that Maggie Thatcher did and said. However, she was correct when she gave her advice to the nation to 'BUY BRITISH'.

Did the people listen and vote with their purchases? You better consider it now due to TTIP and what the American corporations plan to do with your food, drink and health. Say NO to GMO and boycott American brands including Coke, Pepsi and McDonalds. Let's include Cadbury's in that too, as that is now American owned. Do you wish for the UK to end up like America? Best you pay attention to what is happening with TTIP, because it will impact upon the health of the people of this nation, unless people vote with their purchases now.

Nigel's response to TTIP

What else did she say? NO to the EU, the iron Lady is not for turning! So what do we witness happening in the UK?

Once again the Muslims have been put above our English born black leaders. Zac Goldsmith's sister was married to a Khan, her children are Khan's so are we really surprised at what's happened in London?

Muslim sympathy while Islam makes bigger and bigger inroads in the UK with more and more investment into the UK. Goodness gracious me, even Scotland have an arena called, Emirates where their election votes were counted. Islam is also looking to buy another internationally known British football club, Liverpool, and they own a loads of prime real estate in London.

Our British born black leaders are Christians, enough of our black community being pushed back due to the Brits sympathy for Muslims. Enough, enough, enough. Remember what the heavenly Father said, 'No Sympathy'.

The black archbishop from York didn't get a look in due to the Conservatives pushing an ex-banker and oil man forward. Tottenham's Labour MP didn't get a look in for mayor of London. He wasn't given the opportunity to gain the vote in London.

The black community have lived in the UK, far longer than Muslims. Prior to and pre-Arab slavery of Africans, our black community have lived in the UK. They are just as British as I am, and deserve to be elected in prominent positions due to all the hard work that they have put into community cohesion for decades.

So what else is happening in the UK? UKIP is gaining votes, the sun is on the horizon.

Some people think that if they vote for coming out of the EU, that will 'deny' them their human rights. Remember that human rights law is international, that is why the UN sent a reporter over the 'bedroom tax' and the Conservatives were told to stop doing what they are doing.

The same with the 'disabled', another report is underway by the UN due to what the Conservatives have done with that.

Also the judges have decided that what Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives have done with the 'Workfare' programmes, is 'illegal'. These politicians have to be stopped in their tracks, due to the amount of people that are dying in their hands. One of the disabled women mentioned how 22 of her disabled friends have died since Cameron was elected. Too many suicides due to what politicians have done, far too many deaths at the hands of the NHS due to what politicians have done.

When local people tell employees of DWP and local councils that what they are doing is 'illegal', they respond that they're just doing their jobs. When do the people consider whether what they're doing is legal, moral and ethical? They don't, their paid jobs are more important to them than the fact that they are being led like lambs to the 'slaughter'.

When you ask those same people who is accountable and responsible for the expenditure, and building what they did, they respond, oh those people have gone now. Same old story, no accountability, or responsibility in successive regimes. Its time for the people to bring more and more court cases against those employees and politicians. As money is the only thing that most of them seem to understand.

When people in those jobs start having to pay up, then real change will come, with real responsibility and real accountability. Some people only seem to get the message when there is legal action against those that are making the decisions for and on behalf of the people. When people vote they do not give the politicians a power of attorney.

In the meantime, all the politicians are talking about is housebuilding, and covering the land with even more concrete and that impacts upon the health of the people. Hand in hand with the property developers that are 'destroying' the countryside and the air that people breathe. In so doing, impacting upon their health and the cost to the NHS. In Bristol over 200 people have died due to 'pollution' from vehicles etc. Of course, Bristol also has an airport doesn't it?

When I won a major account I had an eco-architect behind me. Remember what the scrolls predicted, the Angelic Architects would come. So it was natural to speak to him about the client that I was pitching for while doing my market research. Bless him! No surprise then that there is an elder featured in this Jesse fresco in the Vatican. Now read Proverbs 31 and Isaiah 54, for truly, it ends with the vindication. Yep, I had the wood under my feet, I won, that is why in this fresco I am sitting in an arch frame. This is the Michelangelo fresco prior to its renovation and refurbishment.

British people live in the smallest properties in Europe, with gardens not big enough to grow their own food. Some properties don't even have a garden at all for the children to enjoy. Although the angelic architects have done their utmost to change that reality in the face of huge opposition to positive change.

Hence new houses are neither ecological or self-sustainable, yet the property developers keep on building little boxes one on top of the other at prices that are beyond what people can afford. Even housing association rents are far too high, the costs are far too high for social housing and there is not enough of it.

The cost of living is now so high, few people can afford to live within their means to do so. Due to the fact that salaries haven't increased in real terms since the late 80's, due to what the corporations have done.

Minimum wage you say? Corporations even said that they wouldn't employ the over 25's due to having to pay the people a living wage. Did they send enough jobs abroad?

What else? Pregnant women are experiencing 'discrimination' over maternity pay and finding themselves without jobs to return to, and some are being put on zero-hour contracts. Hence no security in their jobs, as such, they're unable to plan financially, not now, or for their future, or the future of their children. If you can't plan financially based upon a salary, how can people afford a property anyway, or even get a mortgage without any guarantee that they will be able to afford a mortgage.

What else? The Youth and disabled are being persuaded to start their businesses when those that have a business background, know that business can be a minefield. Why are they trying to get people to start their own businesses? Truth is that they don't have enough jobs for everyone, and the unions knew that would be the case in the 70's.

That's why there was tremendous growth in the leisure industry in the 80's to accommodate what they thought would be a huge increase in the amount of people who would have more time for leisure. However, even leisure costs doesn't it - and young families in the UK are struggling to pay for food and clothes for their children.

That's why they introduced flexitime and job-share. Whatever happened to investors in people? It comes to something when Americans have created crowdfunding websites so that the rich can get richer on the backs of the poor and their networks of friends. Jesus warned about that kind of business, does it remind you of TTIP and how the Americans are trying to sell their GMO food and wine to Europeans? When in fact, American food has been banned in over 160 countries, wake up people American food and wine is monsanto food and wine.

So politicians are forcing women to work, and then women get treated like that. What about the women that started work at age 13-15 and their pensions have been removed from those hard working 1950's women. Putting another 500,000 women into poverty. A woman working for an NHS call centre said that the pensions have just been delayed. No, the pensions have not been delayed, when the economists have said it has cost 1950's women £50,000.

The reason that many British people moved out of London was due to the population explosion of Muslims. People and families driven out of their own communities. Did London get the message about immigration? Did the rest of the country? Certainly Nigel Farage and his fans did!

I was born and grew up in Camden, London, I also had a healthy career in the London business community, and the creative industry. I do not support what is being allowed to happen to London, and to our indigenous population.

Did you know that the indigenous population in London are now outnumbered by foreigners, outnumbered in their own city. What does that tell you about consecutive governments and the defence of our people?

What does it tell you of classes of children whereby 67% of the children don't even speak English? Think about it, and how that impacts upon the learning abilities of the indigenous population. The same is happening in many other cities in the UK.

In our area the vote was so low in the local council elections, Jess is correct, its 'nothing to be cheerful about.'  No reason for politicians of the main parties to celebrate.

However, there is excellent news from the Welsh Assembly, ex-Conservative, Neil Hamilton as been elected as a UKIP member and that is great news for UKIP, and a big step forward. As UKIP make more and more breakthroughs. At least the people of Wales have some common sense, a lot of farmers in Wales. 


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