
Sunday 29 May 2016


When you have advance warning of having to have some surgery, how do you prepare for it in advance? How do you build up your bodies defences and resources, and what do you take to help the body to cope with the shock of your experience, e.g. the physical trauma to your body?

Last night I was given the smell of Liquorice and Liquorice is a very interesting sweet and root due to triggering 'interferon' the body's virus fighting agent'. Its recommended for skin conditions. It supports the adrenal glands, and as a compound that helps to block the breakdown of cortisol which in turn raises cortisol levels. That then helps the body to fight against 'chronic fatigue'.

As soon as you receive notice that you have to have surgery begin preparing immediately for surgery.

Preferably at least six weeks in advance of you being admitted to hospital for the surgery.

Flower essences rescue remedy is essential to take prior to and after surgery. I recommend taking it a week prior to surgery and for a few weeks afterwards until you have fully recovered.

Also remember to prepare for after surgery, and make sure that you have everything that you require that includes spring water.

Fresh lemons and honey for hot lemon and honey drinks for cleansing the body. Also fresh pineapple, melon, and yoghurt. Food that is very gentle on the intestines and body. Celery soup is also excellent for the adrenals for cleansing and detoxifying. Carrot and coriander soup is also nice and gentle for the body, so is orange and pearl barley soup.

Do not put any extra pressure on the body by trying to eat food that is heavy for the body. So for instance, you can have some egg mayonnaise, water cress and cucumber, light weight for the body. You can have marinated herring, or smoked mackerel fish, a little cod, or other white fish. You can have a little moist rice with a few slices of chicken.

Depending on where the operative procedure is you might require tomato juice drinks if it is in the prostate area. So it is important to study what your health conditions require prior to any surgery in any area of your body, and boost your body with nutrients prior to surgery. Healing food is very powerful for building your inner physical resources.

Surgery as a major impact on the body and its neurones, so it is essential that you are as fit as possible with your nutrients prior to it. If you are having oral surgery, you must not eat cauliflower or broccoli as that impacts on the thymus, that also impacts on your hormonal balance.

Make sure that you have plenty of the appropriate massage oils for your healing process after surgery, massage oils for the bath, for your hands, feet and head, for the rest of your body. If you can have an appointment with a massage therapist as soon as possible after surgery. It is advised, especially sports massage therapists that are trained to work with specific 'injuries' to the body.

If you have oral surgery, than Indian head massage is recommended with Reiki healing. Reiki and Indian head massage is fantastic for before and after surgery. The energy is intelligent and it knows exactly where it has to go.

Last night I had a left ear ache and left jaw was in pain. So I got up in the night, did a teeth clean with a sensitive mouthwash with a soft brush. I then put tea tree oil around my ear, on the left side of my face, and continued to give myself Reiki prior to going back off to sleep. This morning when I woke up, the ear ache and jaw ache had gone. I just had a little orange juice for breakfast, and some carrot and coriander soup for lunch. That soup also had turmeric and sweet potato in it.

So I definitely recommend Tea Tree oil to have in the cupboard, it is a very powerful oil for emergencies. Healers learn by their successes. I first worked with Tea Tree oil while in Australia in the 90's when I had a toothache. You can actually dab a few drops on the gums themselves if you wish, if it is a specific tooth that is giving you aches and pains. You can also put it on the soles of your feet if you are having any issues with your feet. Its very powerful, so you only require very little, just two to three dabs of a drop of the oil.

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