
Monday 30 May 2016


5th of June, 2016, GRAND CROSS and a new moon in Gemini. Gemini is my moon sign, and earlier in the year it was divinely given that I would be able to move forward in June. We can see now why June is so important, the energies are changing with the GRAND CROSS.

The 5th of June is also the 'Day of Brilliance' in numerics.

Saturn is the teacher, hence a lot is going on in education, particularly with the human rights of children.

American, mystic Robert Wilkinson mentions the 4th June and that is the 'Day of Expertise' in numerics. So with the 4th and 5th of June we have the energies of 'Expertise' and 'Brilliance' of which, gemini's are usually known for with their photographic brains that retain facts like text books in a library.

4th June is the EPSOM DERBY in the UK, and I recently had a dream of a tan horse with a woman with blonde hair riding it. She asked the people to stand back in case the horse kicked. There were other horses and ponies in the dream, wandering around the garden and field that the horses were in.

In the garden there was apparatus like children like to go on. There had been a large downpour of rain, and there were puddles in the garden. People were walking that water into the bedroom onto the wooden floor and they were asked not to do so.

There was a spiritual equine man from the 90's that had become a lot more discerning when a health condition in his life had become serious. When asked if he had been to see a mutual acquaintance he said that he hadn't because 'she kept on trying to sell him things'.

He knew where to come when he required help, so we can anticipate the selection process is happening with spiritual people. That then reminds us of the teachings of Jesus and the 'parable of the net' that gave a timeline of the last days of the end times for the selection process to happen. Jesus spoke of the fish and the selection of the fish that was healthy to eat, and getting rid of that which wasn't from your lives.

In the dream the man spoke of Parkinson's so we can anticipate that there will be some news coming to do with that health condition. The man in the dream knew a lot of spiritual people. However, when it really mattered he knew who to look for due to the help that he required.

A grand cross always signifies major changes and we can anticipate major changes in health, and education of it. I have gemini as a moon sign, and gemini is all about communications, I also have the moon under my feet, written in the flesh of my left foot.

Its no coincidence that my first career was in the communications industry, and that communication is important in spirituality, relationships and families.

In health and education, how we communicate, and what we say, can have a huge impact on the consciousness of a person and children. The decisions that they then make, on how they can help themselves to improve their lives. Some people just require a leg up to get on that horse to ride again, some people have to change their lives and drive a carriage instead.

We have to work with our bodies and not against our physical bodies, people have to be in harmony with their souls, so that the light can help the people to make a breakthrough to liberate the love. Sometimes that can be hard because sometimes you have to put yourself first, due to the sheer amount of energy that your health requires you to give it. Always remember that your bodies require lots of tender loving care.

Gemini facts are great, but consider how many facts are actually contributing to your health and enlightenment. Consider how communications are impacting upon you. Did you become your own teacher, did you require a mentor to help you through the hardest times? Did you have support, and who did you turn to for help when things got serious in your life. Who helped you to make a breakthrough in your life?

What about justice, who helped you with that, who pointed you into the right direction on your journey? Consider all of these aspects, who was brilliant in your life, who had the expertise to offer you when required? Who helped you when you required help due a serious situation or health condition? Who was most compassionate and merciful to you? Who took serious compassionate action to help you when asked for help?

Who guided you appropriately? What map did you utilise? What garden and whose field did you go to?

Remember all those that had a powerful and positive impact on your life. Remember those that did it all for love, bring the best forward with you and leave the rest behind. Remember those that spoke to you from their hearts, and helped to librate you from the life conditions that you found yourself in.

As Jesus said, 'the workers are few', was he talking about people that worked for the tax man?

No, he was talking about his healers of humanity. His miracle workers that he said would do greater things than he, he was talking about those that he calls family. Family that is beyond blood, and bloodlines. We have spiritual families, spiritual connections, many masters, many lives, we have spiritual groups that we belong to, people of integrity of the heart. Always in truth, the righteous know who is true until the end in faithfulness and trustful loyalty. His healers trustfully loyal to the spiritual journey and the great enlightenment that came to be.

Many high level initiations and we made it through with the power of magnanimous love therapies, our healers, and the divine guidance that continued day and night. Jesus said that they would see the angels ascending and descending upon the 'son of man'.  How true his words were and are, such a term of endearment for a prophet that he blessed and the healers and mystics that he anointed.

A grand cross indeed, in deeds they were known and appreciated for the sheer effort that they put into helping all that were brought to us for help. So that the glory could be given to the heavenly Father that ensured that we lived beyond what we thought we could endure. At the end of the day, there is life after death, proven over and over again. How much we inspired others to investigate its reality, and to receive its proof of existence.

In our children, the truth lives on, in the children there is magnanimous love. In the children there is a future, in the children there is liberation and freedom and peace.

In the children there is joy, the supreme joy of human life. In the children there is hope and laughter, in the children there is light, in our children there is spirituality lived. In our children there is knowing mercy and compassionate actions, charity, and divine guidance lived. In our children there is the treasure of life and unconditional love for their parents. In our children are the witnesses to all that is good and worthy of humanity.

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