
Saturday 28 May 2016

Richie Allen Show on DWP

Richie Allen interviewed Mike Sivier, in 2015, "DWP Staff Asking Sick and Disabled, 'Why haven't You Killed Yourself Yet?". 32 people have been dying per day due to what DWP have been doing to vulnerable people who they consider to be an 'easy target'. Much easier to target the poorest in the nation, than people that own Google and Facebook. 

CBT workers also ask people 'Have you considered taking your own life?' And they are working in the job centres. Employed by DWP! DWP employees already know that when they sanction people it is a 'threat to life' because they know when they sanction people it impacts on their health. 

How what they've been doing in the UK at DWP, was first done in America. So once again, the UK following what America does to its people. Instead of standing in the integrity of the heart. It makes you wonder whether those employees of DWP have any conscience at all. 

How can they sleep at night? Mike Sivier shares with you that those employees have targets to meet and when they meet Cameron's targets, they receive an increase in pay. So in effect, they are getting paid extra pay for people 'dying' due to the jobs that they're doing. It is a 'crime against humanity'. 

The interview, shares that 'Hate Crime' against 'disabled people' has increased at a huge rate due to what they've done! True, more and more whistleblowers have come forward, its a 'deliberate policy' to 'kill people', otherwise known as 'Corporate Manslaughter', and 'Criminal Negligence' by Mr Cameron and his DWP ministry. 

Mr Cameron that would like the people of our nation to stay in the EU, would you believe anything that Cameron and his cronies say, after the way that they have treated the disabled? Wasn't our country known for its extensive social housing and compassionate actions? 

What happened to our countrymen and woman being able to hold their heads high, when compared with other nations that don't have national healthcare, and a proper welfare state such as the Brits were willing to work hard to pay for? 

How did the UK get itself in such a situation to listen and do what Americans do to their people? 

Heartless America that 'executes' people. Seriously, UK wake-up.

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