
Friday 27 May 2016

Oedema and Lymphoedema

In the most recent 'Parkinson Dream', there was water, puddles of it in the garden and people were walking the water into the bedroom and making the floor wet.

Today when I woke up I had 'pain in the spine' of the upper torso. Nothing would shift it, even trying to sleep it away. Although the Reiki healing helped me to go off into slumber. When I woke up I saw a stone statue of Kuan Yin and after that Jesus on the cross flying through the air. After I shared the blog post of what I had seen, I felt compelled to have a hot bath with some healing oils with the intent of relaxing the muscles and limbs.

After a long soak in the hot bath, with a candle with a few drops of lavender in it. A few drops of lavender in the bath, the 'pain gently left the back'. The hot water with pure intention, and loads of love, helped to release the 'blockage' in the back. I then put some Jasmine oil on the hairline, and coconut oil on my face.

So what is going on with my body and the water in the body?

Oedema is water retention in the body, and when the fluid in the body builds up it causes affected tissue to become 'swollen' and you can experience 'skin discolouration' with it. Aching, and tender limbs, 'stiff joints', whereby areas of the skin temporarily hold the imprint of your finger when pressed.

It can happen anywhere in the body although it's most common in the feet and ankles and the NHS refer to this as 'Peripheral Oedema' and one of its causes is a 'leg injury', e.g. physical trauma. If we look at most health conditions, they're mostly triggered into being by 'trauma'.

However, it is important that you receive an accurate diagnosis, due to the possibility of 'Lymphoedema' that causes the 'legs to swell' due to a 'blockage in the lympathic system'.

Although there is also another condition known as 'Milroy's Disease' that can cause an 'abnormality of the lymph vessels'.

Lymphoedema is a long-term condition, that causes 'discomfort', 'pain' and 'loss of mobility'.

What the GP's usually do is check all of your organs, e.g. heart, kidney and liver. If your organs are OK, and your Thyroid is OK, as mine are, that is where their help stops. Unless you push and push to see a consultant to receive a confirmed medical diagnosis and appropriate treatment of which aromatherapy massage is an essential therapy.

However, what is interesting is that how a body with fluid retention, likes to be in water. I also found that 'skin discolouration' left during a hot bath and my knees were a lot happier. In 20% of patients they've found a family history of the condition.

Now what did I do yesterday that could've caused the 'pain in the upper spine?'.

I walked a little way, and if you walk on an 'injury', then it will cause 'pain to your back'.

Apart from soaking in hot water, and massage with aromatherapy oils, what else can we do to help the lymph system in the body?

Hot water with real lemon and honey. When I recently had an 'eleven day, allergic reaction' to what the GP had given me, (that also caused huge pain in the back) I drank hot water and lemon. The only other thing that my body would accept was yoghurt.

What else is good for the body?

I put fennel seeds on my breakfast this morning, and fennel seeds are excellent for relieving any 'pain' in the body, although it can take a long time for the fennel seeds to get to work through the system. So my breakfast today included a little oats, sultanas, fennel seeds, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds, and a banana. Goats milk on breakfast is also excellent or you can have yoghurt with it.

Some people also make and drink fennel tea.

Reduce salt intake. I don't really add salt to my food, I like the natural food to give the nutrients for the healing process. Last night, I had rice cooked in garlic, sweet potato, onions, grated carrot, turmeric and ginger spice.  When my basmati vegetable rice was cooked, I had some smoked mackerel with it, delicious.

If you fancy sweet things, then it means that your body requires potassium. Hence, the banana for breakfast this morning. Although 'estrogen' is also important and dried fruit like sultanas are excellent for estrogen, I also like mango, apricots, and dates to snack on. Some people also recommend cranberries and cranberry juice. Try to eat little and often, although I am aware that sometimes you don't feel like eating at all, and that can be a sign of RA.

I have a combination of raspberries and berries in my nutrient drinks to increase my manganese when I fancy it. As Sophia used to say, a little bit of what you fancy does you good.  Manganese is essential for boosting your collagen in the body, and your collagen impacts on vessels.

Collagen decreases with age after the age of 25, so it is essential that your body receives what is imperative for it to receive. Although its important to keep a balance in the nutrients, and boost when you have to do so.

Celery is also excellent and is great for the adrenal glands, celery is a great detoxifier. Although there is a lot of water in celery. It makes a great soup.

After a bath, you can put lavender oil on the soles of your feet, then put lovely warm socks on your feet and then sleep in those socks while the pores are still open.

I tried a compression bandage a few years ago, but I found my aromatherapy soles did more good, than the bandage and my 'injured left foot' didn't like anything too tight on it. I tried a pair of perfectly fitting boots, and all of my veins rapidly came to the surface. So it was a definite no to tightly fitting ankle boots to support the ankles in my case.

Another aspect is to put your feet up, with your feet higher than your heart. People always used to put their feet up, didn't they? Do you remember when we were children when our parents and grand parents put their feet up after work and at the weekends? It wasn't just about relaxing, it was for their health.

My appetite is off again today, so I shall have to have some fresh DILL and chives again.

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