
Friday 20 May 2016


As I have shared yoghurt was major in my recent recovery from what the medics had prescribed. My body was OK with cucumber, mint and yoghurt too. The power of yoghurt is incredible, although I particularly like goats milk yoghurt and have eaten it since I first went to the Greek Islands in my 20's. This young African is farming and making yoghurt to help pay for his university fees, bless him.

What did the paramedics say? Eat bread, why wasn't bread appropriate if you have a reverse reaction to pharmaceuticals? Most bread as yeast in it and it is far too dry for the internal body when the internal is so tender due to what pharmaceuticals have done to it. Yeast in bread is the last thing the body requires in the state of ill-health due to the yeast furthering any infections that you might have. 

Toast is also too crispy for the intestines to cope with when the intestines are suffering due to what the pharmaceuticals have done to them. 

If you have a reverse reaction to any pharmaceuticals then you have to be as gentle as you possibly can be with the body and what you give it to nurture it. You can have coconut yoghurt, you can also put coconut oil on your body, face and neck. You have to give positive messages to your body that you really do care for it and love it by nurturing the body accordingly. 

And in the UK, the Raw Chef and making coconut yoghurt. 

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