
Friday 20 May 2016

Clostridium Difficile

News being featured today in the Daily Telegraph is about 'Clostridium Difficile', a disease that is caused by people taking anti-biotics. 'Every year 13,000 (UK) people are diagnosed with it and one in five do not respond to conventional treatment'. The health condition highlighted cause people to 'lose control of their bowels and the mortality rate is higher than breast cancer'.

Now instead of solving the damage that anti-biotics co-create for the bodies of the people. The NHS has created the first ever 'Frozen Faecal Bank' as they view it that 'swallowing human faeces will cure the disease'.

At the same time in the UK, there has been an investigation into antibiotics and GP's are being instructed to stop giving out these pharmaceuticals like sweets.

What's interesting is that when my body reacted to NAPROXEN and AUGMENTIN earlier this month, the only food that my body didn't reject was apricots, almonds and yoghurt. Once my body was happy with the amount of yoghurt it had received, it was then happy to have some egg rice with a little chicken, meat, and prawns. That meant that my recovery was nearly completed. 

It was eleven days of an adverse reaction to what the so-called medical professionals had given me. Eleven days in bed to recover from what the medics had done, do you rely on man to improve your health conditions for you? 

Or do you take an alternative, more natural approach to what the medics do? I thank God for Reiki healing that I was able to give myself everyday, I thank God for everything that I was shown in complimentary medicine and therapies. I thank God for healing foods and the journey with food that we have shared.

For with the power of love we can overcome with the relevant science to support it. 

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