
Monday 9 May 2016


I haven't posted since Friday due to my body having a reaction to a pharmaceutical drug that had been given to me for an 'infection'. It impacted upon all of my organs and my torso has been in 'chronic pain'. So I have had to rest and sleep, drink a little water, as I haven't been able to eat due to what it has co-created. Even drinking a little water as created a chronic response from my body.

My view is that the drug that the GP gave has impacted upon my internal skin, because yesterday the skin on my lips cracked and peeled off after I wet my lips. Its a dermatological condition when the skin of your lips peel, I can't remember the last time it happened, it has happened rarely. Although it is also viewed to be another symptom of Sjogren's by the medical profession. Sjogren's is a post-traumatic condition, a physiological neurone condition that is triggered by physical trauma.

The paramedics came out on Sunday, and they did all of the tests, they also said that my lips and tongue was white. The paramedics view was that it was due to too much calcium, they don't like to consider that the pharmaceutical for the 'gum', and 'ear' 'infection' caused it. My ears have also been very dry, although I've done my best to keep a balance with nutrient drinks prior to this happening.

The drugs that GP's are giving to patients cause 'blood clots' and a lot more!

Today I had a dream, and I had made a phone call, the man that I knew put the phone down on me. Then I saw his wife, and she looked sad, the woman then looked younger like her daughter. I then told her that I loved her. The significance of that is that they all work in healthcare.

After that in the dream, I was on the computer on-line, and I was looking at what had been written and I saw my name in the text. Hence I knew that I had to look for something on-line. After that I found it.

On-line, a paper is cited that mentions a B6 deficiency related to peeling lips.

'Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology' Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CA, Bouquot JE. (2002) (2nd ed.). Philadelphia WB Saunders. p.p. 141, 142, 163, 689, 713.  ISBN 0721690033.

A B6 deficiency is found in the elderly, people who have diabetes, and people that have rheumatoid arthritis, it is also found to be a symptom of Sjogren's.

Remember this that pharmaceuticals impact upon the minerals in your body, your skin, your collagen, your intestines, your organs and your immune system. If you can live without drugs then do so.

I was conscious enough this evening, to take some rescue remedy flower essences, and yesterday I rubbed geranium aromatherapy oil on my front while laying down in bed.

All I've had to eat today is an apricot and an almond, and my body is still responding to anything that I put into it, even water.  Hopefully, my body will be better tomorrow, and be a lot more relaxed and be able to eat a banana for the B6. My pure intention is for my body to recover in its time of healing the physical, and it has my utmost attention to help the body get over the 'shock' to it.

As it is written a B6 deficiency usually relates to the liver, although I feel shivery this evening, and if you feel shivery that is usually to do with the kidneys. The best thing for the kidneys and the adrenal glands is fresh celery, and or celery soup. I mention the adrenal glands because they impact on the kidneys. So wrap up to keep your body temperature even, if you feel your temperature rising, you can always take your bedclothes off and put a wet flannel on your head and or neck.

Chick peas are full of B6, so humous and pitta bread would also be ideal, with garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil. You can also have chick peas with chicken, spinach and rice if you can manage it.  Keep your meals light for your body that is very sensitive at this time, little and often.

You cannot force the body to eat and drink, you have to let it recover in its own timing, and sleep is imperative for the regeneration.

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