
Tuesday 10 May 2016


Last night after posting 'Peeling Lips', I went to rest and as I laid down I saw Native American, Russell Means with his plaits.


Then after that, I saw Michael Jackson again, and Prince and all the celebrities were together, the message was "Right time, right place".

Then I drifted off to sleep and I had another Kevin Costner dream. In the dream we were at a really ancient site, it looked Egyptian-Roman era. With a large coliseum, but inside of it there was large stone animals. It was quite magnificent and Costner and I was discussing the possibility for the location as a film shoot.

There was another woman with the name of 'Francis' with blackish hair, but she didn't seem to be keeping up with us. Francis had a connection with Costner but it wasn't clear what her connection was with him.

After that I saw some rabbi's running around, and they didn't look like they knew what to do, due to the evidence that has been provided on the prophecies. Sapphire foundations Isaiah 54, that was a long time ago.

I don't remember what happened after that, all I remember is that when I woke up this morning, I saw loads of skulls and bones and it reminded me of the Ezekiel dried bones prophecy.

After that I saw WILL I AM.

Then as I drifted in and out of sleep during the day and evening, I saw the American musicians and singers again, although this time I also Jesus and an Indian chief with his full feathers on.

The Creation of an Epic!

I did manage to eat a banana today, although drinking and eating is still very difficult. I'm still very ill due to what the medics gave me. So just a few minutes to share with you the latest, as there is nowhere I can lay my head to receive treatment for the abdomen and back. I am keeping calm, but I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I return to my own bed again, while intent on recovery.

Its been five days and today I put coconut oil on my face, head and body where I could reach.

I'm going to try a little cucumber to freshen my mouth prior to going back to bed.

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