
Tuesday 3 May 2016


In March the Raspberry shabbat blogpost was shared and the importance of the manganese for boosting your collagen.

Raspberries are the nutrient drink again today, this time with a banana, some coconut flakes, and a tin of coconut milk that I had in the cupboard. My nutrient drink of the day and I do like raspberries.

After that I was cooking three large potatoes in garlic that had to be cooked, and while I was stirring, I saw orange carrot shapes energetically, so I included a couple of chopped carrots.

After that I saw greens energetically,  so I included some green leaves from a cauliflower. Included some cardamon, black pepper and basil. I just had a small bowlful due to it being filling, after so many raspberries, and I had it with coleslaw and with cheese on the mashy dish. Strange meal, but there you go. Mash, cheese and coleslaw reminds me of when I was pregnant 34 years ago, as a neighbour used to cook mash and cheese to make their budget go around. My neighbour cooked, and I brought the bottle of wine, happy days we shared together with the children.

Prior to having my fresh raspberry nutrient drink, I did some inversion therapy which is great for the blood circulation and getting oxygen to the brain. Your determination to overcome health conditions as to be flexible, and I've found that those who are not flexible about overcoming their health conditions are not doing so.

Being flexible means being willing to consider and try alternatives and inversion therapy is certainly an alternative to what has been offered by the NHS. Although some people do require their doctors approval to do inversion.  It just depends what your health conditions are, the same with food, there are specific foods that help and relieve specific health conditions.

The great thing about inversion is that you can do it in your home, and that's great if you are living a reclusive life due to your health conditions. When I am doing inversion therapy, I don't get any sciatica. I've noticed that if I stop doing inversion, the sciatica comes back. So inversion as to be in my daily routine.

My 2nd chiropractor looked at my second set of x-rays and he said that my spine was in good condition for a person of my age. Although My GP could only give me five chiropractor treatments on the NHS. The first chiropractor said that the disks were rubbing against each other due to a 'degeneration of the jelly' between the disks. 

Ten years later the 2nd chiropractor said that there was plenty of jelly between the two disks at the lower back. So what conclusion could I come to between the first set of x-rays and the second set of x-rays? 

Let me make it clear, that if I was still able to have chiropractic treatments I would have continued with those treatments on the NHS if they had been provided for me as the chiropractor requested in his letter to my GP. The quality and the standard of Robert's work was great, and I found him to be very understanding of my back condition and where I was coming from. 

Clearly there had been some improvement, and I was doing something right. However, the sciatica began long after chiropractic treatment when I was no longer having chiropractic treatment. Hence, I took action to be able to work with my back myself at home, by getting an inversion table a year ago and that has been a great bonus, a lifesaver, because it is something that I can do myself for my body. 

I still can't walk very far due to a 'foot injury', that impacts upon the back and the back impacts upon the feet. Its the kind of 'injury' that people should not walk on. The reflexologist said it was the tendon, A&E said it was arthritis. 

The Podiatry department at the local hospital did not provide any treatment for the foot or any diagnosis. Of course not, another private contractor. All they did was give me pads to put in my shoes. I already knew that I had flat feet due to a nurse pointing it out when I was sent for another heart check, and I have shrunk two inches in height as measured by the GP. 

Of course it also helps if you have a massage therapist on your doorstep, and or can afford regular therapeutic massage treatments. You don't get offered that on the NHS.

Did you know that potatoes have more potassium than bananas?

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