
Tuesday 3 May 2016

22 Years SPECT Brain Research

22 years of research done with SPECT scans of the brain. 83,000 brain scans were done. Presentation by American doctor, Daniel Amen. Reversing brain damage that has been shown to be a co-creater of  a lot of serious health conditions and 'criminal activity'. That those brains can be rehabilitated with the correct comprehension of what is going on in the brain.

I remember when I spoke to a doctor in America in 1998, and he commended me on what I had managed to achieve. He also said that not many people can do what you have done. He then put one of his patients in touch with me to help her. However, she had been so convinced by the medical profession that she had the condition that the Americans had told her that she had, that it was hard to get her to listen to what I was sharing with her. The only thing that woman had experienced was recurring dreams that was clearly past life memories due to the nature of those traumatic dreams. 

Yet, instead of working with the healing of the brain and consciousness, she preferred to carry on taking the medication that the American woman had been prescribed. The people do have choices in life, and people have the choice to choose salvation. For as Dr Daniel Amen shares with you, brains can be rehabilitated and it is about preservation. Preservation of your brain can be co-created in many different ways depending on the condition that you are experiencing. 

Although I do think that the SPECT scans are worth considering by the medical profession in the UK. Especially as 'violence' is rising, with cases in the UK in the media nearly every day. Some of that 'violence' is also co-created by the pharmaceuticals, confirmed by the SPECT doctor, Daniel Amen.

Clearly when doctors give pharmaceuticals to patients, it does impact upon their brains and I think that Daniel Amen made some excellent points in his presentation. His presentation includes his concern for sportsmen-women, those that have been in the military, and those that have experienced 'injuries' to the head as a child.

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