
Friday 15 April 2016

Signs of Psoriatic Arthritis

If you ask to see a foot consultant they should be able to ascertain what health conditions that you have. So for instance in the video above, the feet are included. When did a GP last examine your feet, ankles and toes? When you were sent to the Podiatry department did they examine your feet and give you a health diagnosis?

Or did they simply give you some foot pads for your shoes and send you home? Unfortunately, CCG have given contracts to private companies that hire people that are not specialists in this kind of diagnosis. As such, people are having to jump through hoops for the medical professionals, when in fact, the medical professionals should be providing the correct consultants that specialise in the subject matter.

We know scientifically that skin conditions are co-created by cuts to the body, and it was featured in the May, 2006 edition of New Scientist that confirmed that cuts to the body mutates genetics. In so doing the scientists had discovered that it was co-creating skin conditions and allergies.

I was sent to the hospital for x-rays for a 'left foot injury' and they still didn't discuss the psoriasis under my toe nails, finger nails and other parts of my body. When my legs blew up after a traumatic situation, A&E said it was 'arthritis'.

My legs did go back to 98% normal after a lot of rest, recuperation, a lot of self-healing and a lot of work with nutrients. However, I still have the 'left foot ankle injury'. The reflexologist said it was the tendon.

When I was teaching Reiki healing one of the conditions that I had a lot of success with was skin conditions, and I am sure it is because of the increase of oxygen to the blood that Reiki provides. We witnessed miracles with different women and their skin conditions. However, we can get extra oxygen into the bloodstream in many different ways and it includes via some foods e.g. watercress.

For people with Psoriatic Arthritis doing a two-day Reiki healing training course is essential, because it gives you the ability to take an active participation in your healing process and increase the oxygen that you require. Another therapy for increasing the oxygen in the blood and for the brain e.g. neurones, is inversion therapy, although you have to have your doctors approval due to the possibility of the impact on your other health conditions. I knew that I could do inversion without my doctors approval, due to having a healthy heart etc.

The first two photographs were taken by the scanner on the printer that I scanned my artwork with. It was difficult to scan my right arm but I did manage it a few times.

Reiki Healing can be utilised by everyone, and you do not require your doctors approval to participate in that. You just require the consent of your Reiki Master Teacher and you should share what health conditions that you wish to heal with a credible and responsible RM as they will know what extra help to give you on your training course. It is often the case that people with similar conditions book on to the same training course, the group usually have something in common with each other and sometimes its a past life connection.

Make sure that the RM that you choose is a person that as an interest in you and your condition. Look for a person that will give you on-going support and after-care service. So for instance, I supported and was in contact with my students for over ten years. Of course it was the choice of those specific students to stay in contact for that length of time. They liked to receive news from yours truly and have a chat on their progress.


In this photograph the skin condition is clearing up, although you can still see the scarring and the length of it.

During my life I have had a psoriasis skin condition, (photographs above) and it has moved from different parts of the body to other parts of the body,  and due to the attention that I have given it - it is mostly gone on my left arm. After doing Reiki in the mid 90's, and giving my body oats in a light muslin bag it also disappeared from another area of my body, that was a lot more sensitive. Seriously, I'm happy to speak the truth to help everyone.


It was due to the skin condition in other parts of my body, and the work that I was doing at that time in the mid 90's, representing the RM, Peter Warnock, that I began the Reiki journey, God bless him.

One healer became a thousand exactly as the prophecy predicted.

These are photographs taken by my computer in 2015. The RIGHT ARM!


In this photograph the scarring is still healing. 

Externally, I put on coconut oil, and aromatherapy oils, but most of all, I have been treating it internally. I put coconut oil on the sides of my head, and on the base of my spine, although I am aware that my nutrients are incredibly important internally.

I just took these photographs 15th April 2016.


In these photographs the length of the scar as gone.
Although I do have a tiny little patch the size of a penny. 

Do you know what, they didn't like it, that we could heal it when they couldn't! 'No medication', 'no steroid creams'. It was healed naturally with natural remedies, including nutrients.

Isaiah 51:5 'My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm'.

Glory be to God that he gave us what was required for the scripture is true.

The leaves for healing the nations.

The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. Yes, I am also an RM and becoming an RM and teaching Reiki is just the beginning, everything prior to that is preparation for what is ahead of you on the pathway of enlightenment.

What are my nutrients this weekend? Lambs liver, onions, garlic, red kidney beans and mash.

Yesterday, I had my green nutrient drink, today, I had some home-made chicken liver and onion pate with lots of garlic and butter. Also eating my brazil nuts and berries.

Green Drink Shabbat

My menu is continually changing aligned with divine guidance given.

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