
Friday 15 April 2016

Mary and Katy's Story


Mary was taken into hospital for two days due to RA. She describes the changes that she had to make due to her health condition. Mary explains the importance of rest for the body due to her fatigue that she experiences. Mary mentions the research being done and I have shared on this blog that in Norwich they are doing research with blueberries. However, there is a lot of different nutrients that the body requires due to the trauma that has impacted upon the neurones that give the messages to the rest of the body.

KATY took the pharmaceutical drugs that will impact on her organs in the long term, so she has short relief and no cure at this point in her life. You can't put a band-aid on RA, you have to work with the underlying causes that co-created the impact on your physical bodies. In this video, Katy would like to push her body and that is what her body is asking her not to do. 

With babies and children it is usually due to a traumatic birth and the immensity of the vaccinations that are now given to children. The soul is sensitive, and it doesn't like 'injections' etc. That's why babies cry, it hurts the babies and toddlers in the same way that blood tests hurt adults, it has along term impact on their neurones. I still get bruising surfacing and blood vessels exploding on my left arm where blood tests were taken in 2014, and 2015. 

RA is a physiological condition that is triggered by trauma that impacts on the neurones and you can eat and drink to aid the neurones that lessens the condition and slows it right down. 

I like to think positive and that it can be reversed as during my life, the bone in my left hand stopped hurting, and stopped getting bigger when I began the self-healing journey. The Reiki healing journey certainly helped due to Reiki giving more oxygen to the blood and brain. A scientific fact! In the left hand I have two scars from injuries. 

One of the scars was created by a dog bite that happened during walking home from junior school, another scar was created in my 20's when a nail pierced my left hand while my fiancee and I were looking for a flat to buy. 

Remember this the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25 and scientists are aware that cuts in childhood also co-create skin disease and allergies. The information on that was featured in the May 2006 issue of New Scientist. 

Its a condition that is also involved in Sjogren's that is also triggered by trauma. Physical trauma can happen in many different ways from dental work to operative procedure, from accidents to injuries when the body as suffered enough physically, it certainly lets you know about it. Its when the body says to you, no more trauma. 

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