
Wednesday 27 April 2016


In the hatchets nightmare there were police knocking down a door.

Is it a coincidence that the band Police brought out a song called 'King of Pain'? And Prince certainly reached his threshold of physical pain. Hence why he tried to alleviate it, as anyone would try to do.

In the Police video you will see the trumpet that Prince also put in his symbol and Police sing about the rain. Revelation chapter 9 mentions a 'Star' and 'Scorpions'. The north node of Prince was in Scorpio, as he was born on the 7th June, 1958. Prince was born on the 'Day of the Entertainer' and he went out on the 'Day of Commitment'. 

He also went out on a Pink full moon in Scorpio.  Scorpios are very deep, very deep indeed, and I often advised people not to go out on the full moon.

As deep as his vaults of creative work. In the book of numbers, trumpets are for signalling. Numbers 31:6 'When a trumpet sounds, you will hear it' Isaiah 18:3

'In that day a great trumpet will sound' Isaiah 27:13

Prince and his Purple Rain, in spirituality, you will find the purple dew in Buddhism, the dew of purification can also be found in scripture. In 2006 at the Brit Awards, Prince wore an outfit that was of eastern design. Direction of the east and the teacher. He was giving a clear sign to his audience.


Original artwork A4. 

Stevie Wonder and Sting also sung about the rain in the song 'FRAGILE' 

It is written that Prince was 'bullied' as a child at school.

On his Lotus Flower album, it begins with Lotus and ends with Lotus.

Yet, another message to his fans.


The Priestly Blessing.

The artwork on the cover of my second CD that was launched in 2002. The illustration was created by an American artist. If I remember correctly, the man that did the artwork was 'disabled', and I was happy to give him the commission to do the artwork. I will have to go through my records and find his name, as it will be in my legal file.

The two Reiki healing meditations that includes the purple dew. 

What's for breakfast? Some rolled oats, sunflower, pumpkin, chia and fennel seeds. With some coconut, walnuts, and berries with milk. Estrogen.

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