
Wednesday 27 April 2016

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

This month is about arthritis awareness. They're piling these children up with pharmaceuticals instead of giving the children natural remedies to alleviate it and heal it.

It would be interesting to examine the menus and nutrition to help these children. These children require specific menus tailored to their health conditions, they can't just have an average diet. They have to have foods that are specific for their health condition.

Arthritis is a physiological condition that is triggered by trauma and it is more prevalent in girls.

Its not surprising that some children experience it due to many children experiencing a traumatic birth. It is often the case that the more traumatic it was for the mother, the more it is for the child. Of course, female children are more susceptible to that, hence the high rate of JIA in girls. Interesting that in China, JIA is the name of a bronze bowl and scripture gave a prediction about the bronze.

JIA children tend to limp, and there is also a biblical prophecy of how the LORD would save the lame.

Its hard for children when they can't do what they would like to do, so let's say, I shall do it.

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