
Wednesday 13 April 2016

PINEAPPLE Rheumatoid Arthritis

My skin as been dry and especially my ears since I had the ear candling. This evening I massaged my body and head with coconut oil. My nutrient drink is half a pineapple, one kiwi and half a lemon squeezed in the juicer together. The lemon is important due to its Vit K because the pineapple is rich in Vit C, and the Vit C requires the Vit K for the neurones.

One of the fruits that I recommended for a lady with Crohn's in 2012, was pineapple because she had to have food that was very gentle for her intestines and easy for her body to digest. Pineapple was one of the paintings from 2012, healing foods.

However, pineapple is great for people who might have 'arthritis', RA, Sjogren's etc. People can't always get out to get fresh pineapple so always keep some tins of pineapple in the cupboard. Of course it is best to have it fresh, but some pineapple is better than no pineapple.

Try to drink pineapple nutrient drinks at least once a week. I've had a whole pineapple this week in two different drinks. I am fortunate that I really like pineapple and I really like coconut.

Pineapple as manganese and so does kiwi, the body utilises manganese to make collagen. 'A tough, fibrous protein that helps build connective tissues, like bone, skin and cartilage. Research has shown that people who are deficient in manganese develop bone issues.'

This is a great little book that I purchased in the 90s', its been all the way to Australia and back. An amazing little book packed full of information. New Foods For Healing. I recommend this little book as a starter book for those getting into the power of food to heal, it includes some great facts.

Pineapple has been most known for relieving digestion, it has bromelain that is an enzyme that breaks down the protein and this is especially important for people as they age. As researchers found that older people had low levels of stomach acid that is required for protein digestion. So my view is that the best time to have your pineapple nutrition drink is after you have eaten your meal - if you are taking your nutrient drink for digestion.

Collagen is incredibly important for the skin, inside and out. You don't require expensive skin creams, just make sure what you put inside your body is healthy for your skin.

Of course I also did some more inversion today, twice, as it helps to increase the oxygen flow to the brain. Inversion also stretches the body, muscles, spine and limbs and it feels so natural to do inversion. Inversion is fantastic if you have experienced any sciatica, it does wonders for your body.

I've had my inversion table for about a year, and it was definitely a sound investment to help my body, of course, the juicer was also another great investment. Its so quick and easy, we made great progress in 2015. Onwards and upwards!

I also took a Starflower Oil capsule with my nutrient drink and it includes Omega 6 essential fatty acid, and I am thinking of taking a St John's Wort before bed for the nervous system.

After I made this post I was divinely given ESTROGEN, and being low on estrogen also impacts on the dryness of the skin. So I have to look at the foods that can boost it as boosting the estrogen is next.


Include dried fruits. Brilliant. I have apricots, dates, sultanas and berries (including cranberries) and I had mango last week, I do like the mango. Sesame seeds, I do like sesame.

Chickpeas that I make my humous with - I have to get some more. Same with the Butter Beans and Red Kidney beans, I have to get stocked up on beans. I like Sainsburys for beans because they come in little boxes that are easier to open than tins.

Peas. Tempeh sounds interesting. Alfalfa Sprouts. For more information see the link.

I didn't take HRT, due to having laser treatment and an operation on cancerous cells in my 20's. However, even if I hadn't gone through that - I still wouldn't have taken HRT. I view HRT as gain now and pay later for taking it, isn't that the same with most pharmaceuticals?  HRT is not a cure!

In fact, in the 90's I was divinely guided to share with women not to take HRT or they would pay the consequences.

Best to start a different post on the ESTROGEN message.

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