
Wednesday 13 April 2016


After I made the post on Pineapple for a nutrient drink for RA and people with Sjogren's, I was divinely given ESTROGEN, and being low on estrogen also impacts on the dryness of the skin.

So now we have to look at the foods that can boost it as boosting the estrogen is next.


Include dried fruits. Brilliant. I have apricots, dates, sultanas and berries (including cranberries) and I had mango last week, I do like the mango. Sesame seeds, I do like sesame.

Chickpeas that I make my humous with - I have to get some more. Same with the Butter Beans and Red Kidney beans, I have to get stocked up on beans. I like Sainsburys for beans because they come in little boxes that are easier to open than tins.

Peas. Tempeh sounds interesting. Alfalfa Sprouts. For more information see the link.

I didn't take HRT, due to having laser treatment and an operation on cancerous cells in my 20's. However, even if I hadn't gone through that - I still wouldn't have taken HRT. I view HRT as gain now and pay later for taking it, isn't that the same with most pharmaceuticals?  HRT is not a cure!

In fact, in the 90's I was divinely guided to share with women not to take HRT or they would pay the consequences. Do you know when I started my menopause the GP didn't give me anything at all, no diet sheets, no recommendations, no recipes, nothing.

Now what is interesting is that twice as many women as men suffer from RA reports Anca Askance, M.D., founder and clinical director of Columbia University's new lupus centre.

Its not just about the estrogen though is it? Its also about the manganese and collagen, and the fact that it is triggered by trauma = neurones. Its a physiological condition. RA can manifest after operative procedure and 'injuries'.

My bone in my left hand got larger, and there were injuries in that hand. A dog bite, and a nail pierced it. I still have the scars YW. Yahweh! I have to smile that its written in the flesh of my left hand.

13th April, 2016. Dinner of Vit A and Estrogen. 

Prepare your mashed potatoes and mash with butter. I always boil my potatoes in garlic. 

Lambs liver covered in flour with basil, salt and pepper in the flour prior to saute. I usually cook my liver in the oven slowly. However, I am having to make do without an oven. 

Saute the lambs liver in some coconut oil, and then you can wrap it in bacon. Include some slice onions and red pepper for extra flavour. When the liver is browned on the outside, include some water to keep some fluid in the pan, then include a tin of red kidney beans. 

I had mine with mash, although you could also have it with carrots and kale. 

After dinner I had a glass of water and than some sultanas, get your fruit on. I snack on sultanas and they're great for estrogen. When I was a child I use to take the little boxes of raisins to school with me, although I prefer sultanas as they are more juicy. 

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