
Sunday 24 April 2016


Sunday the 17th April, 2016, came the rainbows above my head.

In the days that followed an 'infection' came to be on my right side, and I've just had the realisation that in an Osho Zen illustration we can see both the rainbow colours above the head, and if you look at the right side, what do you see? The right side of the face is on fire.

In the Osho Zen it is the 'Integration' card in the major arcane. In her hands she is holding the tao symbol. Although, the original tao symbol was originally two fishes swimming in harmony head to tail in a circle. 3,500 years ago, there was 'no duality' in the tao symbol. In fact, the two fishes were discovered in the ancient church mosiacs in Israel.

In the card we have the mandala and rainbow colours, combined power of creativity. The rainbow of Joseph and the coat of many colours, the rainbow of Noah and the covenant with God. The rainbow is always a positive time I often asked people to integrate the true teachings, that include comprehending the power of colour. As we know for a fact that the Son of God also worked with colour and it is written that dye houses were named after him. How they made different fabrics in different colours.

There are two birds in the illustration, the power of fire, and the power of grace. Gracefulness of the swan that floats upon the river symbolic of the feminine of the left receptive side of my nature. On the right side is the majestic bird of fire, as in the phoenix that has risen. Fire is also associated with Elijah and so is water. Interesting that there is an orange sphere on the right side, the power of the sun.

In the tarot 14 is the 'Temperance' card and its ruling sign is Sagittarius, an alchemical figure, my rising sign. Peaceful and contented in nature with the changes that are happening around her. Understanding the causes and why this illustration exists in the Osho Zen, Osho also went to America and we know what happened to him when he did so.

This person understands both birds the water and the fire, one bird that is content on their river of life, and the other bird that ascends the heights when required to do so. It indicated a time of withdrawal to look after my health, it meant bed rest and healing for divine purpose.

Then this morning, when I was feeling better, I was given a message when I woke up, 'FILM', and sometimes temperance can be a new challenge time, a challenge to work on a new project that can resolve many aspects of life for many people. She sees what is below, and is unperturbed, for she knows that she is above it. It reminds us of how it began with America, asking spiritual people 'not to fire the grid' and it has taken a long time for people to comprehend the reasons why, that was explained in 2007.

Interesting that my son bought me some smoked salmon and I have some smoked mackerel in the fridge, my two fishes for the thymus and thyroid, my throat also likes the oily fish.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, although they have less fire than the other two fire signs. My Venus is in Pisces hence the feminine, and the two fishes. Fishes and feathers, birds and fish that were given to eat. The sun and the moon speaks to me of an eclipse and there was an eclipse a few weeks ago.

It was about 14 years ago that I began to write about the eclipses. It was 14 years ago that David came into my life asking for remote healing, he was sent to yours truly at our first website. He passed over in 2013. Its still hard to accept what happened to him.

It was 14 years ago that I received the commission to work at Sure Start with some really wonderful people and it was 14 years ago that we launched the Reiki healing meditation CD. So much more happened in 2002 it was a time of rapid activity and advancement.

Returning to the present, maybe the fruit fly got to the orange, or maybe it was just the tooth that didn't like something that I ate. Although I had planned to go somewhere on the 21st April, and the 'infection' assured that I stayed in, sometimes the LORD works in mysterious ways to make me do what he wishes for me to do. I've made a rapid recovery, he does hear me, at least I can eat again, although my appetite is low.

I took the opportunity to rest and heal, I took the opportunity to spread the paint and make a greetings card. After the Greetings Card dream, a fact was integrated that the words were more important than the picture. People are drawn to a greetings card because they like the look of it, but it is due to the sentiment of the words that ensures that a person takes that card home with them.

Its the same when you are giving a reading to someone, the symbolism is important but it is what a person says to a client that is more important. People remember the words that you have spoken sincerely, they remember how uplifted they felt. People remember the love and encouragement when it really matters to them in their lives. No matter where people are in the world, they will always remember the love when they require it.

People remember the love that you gave them when you did your best to share your love. Because that love and what you said, is between you and the person that you have worked with. That love is one-to-one, it is between you and the other person, the power of love that unites you in your beings, for it is divine love that feeds the soul. Having the ability to feed the soul divinely, is greater than people know, until they really know it, as I have done.

For it is the power of love that gets us through, it is the love that returns, it is the love that manifests for all of the upright reasons in integrity. It is the love that heals the world, and compassionate action that changes it.

When the face is on fire, you have to give it greater fire, the fire of Reiki healing. The great thing about Reiki is that you have always got it, no matter how old you become, or how aged your body, just put your hands upon your face and feel the love healing you. Let it take you off into peaceful slumber so that it can do its work on you. For energy is intelligent and the energy of love knows what to do for the body to integrate the healing.

So it is best wishes from me to you - and for what is ahead of us all.

Have a great weekend and passover.

Dance of the Flame 

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