
Saturday 23 April 2016

Happy Passover 2016

I have good news today, the 'infection' that began a couple of days ago as 99% gone. Last night I managed to eat some raspberries, followed by a tomato and basil omelet. I slept a lot in recent days and also drank warm water and real lemon on Thursday and Friday. Rubbed coconut oil in my mouth too. I thought today about the 21st April, and I was hoping to go somewhere on that day, due to the 'infection' I forgot all about it.

Original artwork size A4

Clearly, I wasn't meant to go out on the 21st of April, to that location, I had to stay in. The LORD could have chosen any other day for that gum to swell up. Its no coincidence that he chose that day for me to be in bed giving myself Reiki healing. Be content to give yourself healing this passover that reminds me of the Greetings Card dream.

So its happy first day of passover for yours truly, I can eat again. Love guarantee.

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