
Friday 8 April 2016

MRI Physics Lightbox Radiology

Following on from the recent healing dream let us look at the physics of M.R.I. 


This video presentation from America was interesting due to it featuring a case study of a woman that had never had a headache until the age of 57. After she reported that she began having headaches, she then had an M.R.I, and it describes exactly what they found. Now in the UK, if a person begins to have headaches or migraines for the first time.

A&E give you some 'pain killers' and send you home, instead of investigate why it is has suddenly started. If you experience an explosion in your head, like china crashing loudly, they do the same. Offer you some pills and send you home. Nor do the NHS, take into account any other health conditions that might have begun at the same time.

When I went to emergency in respect of the crashing sound like plates and cups smashing, the NHS GP at the walk-in clinic said it was an ear infection.

The presentation indicates that physical healthcare in America is much more thorough than that which is available in the UK.

Although anyone can book an M.R.I scan in a private clinic in Harley Street London. I contacted the London Imaging Centre in London as comparison prices for scans are featured on-line.

It was incredible to me that a scan cost less in Harley Street, than it does in the East of England. In fact, their starting price is £200.00.

When I contacted London, I provided them with a case history in short form, to ask them for an accurate price for having an appropriate scan. They didn't come back with any recommendations based upon the information provided to them. They asked for my GP to fill out a referral form asking for what part of the body he would like scanned.

Hang on, what about the information that I provided to London, is that not even considered or  discussed with the medics if and when a person makes an enquiry?  Shouldn't London be able to make an accurate recommendation and give an appropriate budget based upon the information provided to them?

I say that they should be able to do so, they should be experts in their field of M.R.I. and what they are looking for and where, prior to doing a scan and a client spending their money with them.

If a client of mine contacted me and asked for some help, a budget and recommendations for what concerned them, I was able to provide a considered response with costs. So why can't the medics do the same? I often discovered more than the client thinks that I might find when I did a remote scan, and the same with other healing processes.

Time for the medics in the UK to step-up, just because I found more than the client thought I might find, didn't mean that I charged them anymore for the help that they required.

We really could do with an economical on-demand service for M.R.I in the Eastern region with highly trained professionals that know what they're doing. Able to provide the best service at the best rates. Its taking far too long for patients to get the help that they require, literally its taking years to get anything done at a time when Cameron is cutting the NHS budget even more.

He's now replacing medics with volunteers, carers that are not medically trained to carry out medical procedures. If you're referred to the hospital, now you see a team of carers and nurses, instead of immediately, being seen by a proper medical consultant.

Only after patients have done this to get that, and that to do this, do you get anywhere up the tiers and tiers of people, via the staff that are providing privatised services to the NHS. Is it surprising that so many people are dying due to not get getting the appropriate help fast enough?

In 2014, I was referred to a London hospital for an emergency appointment with the ENT department.  It still didn't arrive and its now April 2016.

During that time I also asked to see a consultant due to my left foot 'injury', and all they gave me at the hospital was a service from and its clear that ACECIC and CCG have to be taught the sheer importance of a professional medical in the Podiatry department of the NHS.

Don't outsource it and bring it into the NHS, if the NHS can't provide a professional to do the job, then don't provide it at all. Let the professionals work with it.

A professional medical consultant should be able to examine your feet, and tell you exactly what is going on in your body health wise. What did I receive? Foot pads to put in my boots, and the foot pads have made no difference to my foot or back. The privatised service from CCG and ACECIC didn't even examine my feet and ankles properly.

What was interesting is that when I was having my teeth cleaned at the dentist this week, I could feel it in my left foot, my left foot 'injury' was responding to the teeth cleaning.

In my teeth chart, tooth 48, 38, 18, is connected to the sole of the foot.

Tooth 47, 43, 41, 33, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 14, 13, 12, 11, is connected to the ankles.

In 2012, NHS London issued instructions to all GP's that all patients with a long-term back issue must be referred to the neurologist for an M.R.I. scan. So you might ask why aren't the GP's doing what they have been instructed to do? Cameron is trying to cut, cut, cut services.

So we have a situation whereby its politicians and their economists -v- doctors and their patients are in the middle of the battle for proper funding to provide a top class service for the national health of the nation. There has to be proper investigation of the health of people, it has to be thorough and in-depth at the earliest opportunity. Currently, they don't even give patients a proper physical examination.

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