
Friday 8 April 2016

Derivatives Message Update

On the 28th June 2010, the heavenly Father spoke of 'Derivatives'. After that a daddy long legs came and danced on my right hand.

24th September, 2012, I wrote another post reminding people about the 'derivatives message, and the testimony of warning mentioned in Isaiah 8.

Today, social media are sharing a video presentation about the latest in 'derivatives' and the Deutsche Bank.

The other news is that Saudi have said that they will build a bridge over the red sea to Egypt, Egyptians wise up to the prophecies about Egypt. I checked the Jerusalem Post this afternoon and there was no mention of the bridge. Testimony of warning, a bridge too far my Egyptian friends, don't buy into Islamic bonds, or Islamic mortgages. Lease nothing, keep your flexibility to move quickly within Egypt as required.

Don't let Saudi or Obama take what is yours Egypt. Don't let Saudi take your gold. Arise Egypt, your coral reefs and diving areas are at risk too! Egyptians are not Arabs, they had their own native language. First they tried to put a stop to Western tourism to Egypt that impacted upon the economy of Egypt, now they're trying to replace the uniqueness of Egypt. You have to put a stop to Saudi - Egypt bridge. Unlock your creative potential, liberate the love Egypt.

Think of Egypt, your classical heritage, that is worth more than anything that Saudi can offer you.

Think of your children and their future Egypt.

Think of the prophecy of Ephraim, Judah and Jacob in the book of Hosea, think of the Heifer and be strong, and courageous.

Think of Joseph that saved the Egyptian people from the famine.

Think of the love that was poured out upon Egypt and Egyptians, remember the love beyond measure Egypt, wisdom did come to visit you twice. The LORD did send me to walk with you, Egyptians were also brought to yours truly.

Listen to me Egypt, defend your country, and its uniqueness on the African continent. Remember this that the Queen of the South as more wisdom than Solomon, wisdom more precious than rubies.

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