
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Dental Treatment Sjogren's

Oral, RA, and Sjogren's.

If you are going for dental treatment make sure that you are wearing the correct colours and I recommend white and aquamarine. I also wore turquoise on my right wrist, and a turquoise necklace today. My body responded to the treatment and I could feel it in my left foot.

Dental treatment impacts on the nervous system, cranial nerves and also the throat and thymus. It is also recommended that people don't eat broccoli or cauliflower prior to or straight after dental treatment. As it has been found that those vegetables impact on the thymus too. In fact, if you have any serious thymus health issues it is recommended that you don't eat those two vegetables at all.

Sjogren's can incorporate many different chronic health conditions and dentistry does impact on health, so it very important that you comprehend what is happening. For instance, dental treatment and any trauma experience due to it - can increase the triggering of RA, and RA is one of the chronic conditions involved in Sjogren's.

Its not just about colour either, its also about the nutrients that your body requires to counteract any impact that the dental treatment can have. Historically, I took a flower essence rescue remedy prior to having any in-depth work, and again afterwards. It does give advance preparation to the body, and wearing the correct colours can have a similar healing impact to defend our body.

So I wore white slacks, white tee-shirt, and a long-sleeved aquamarine jumper for my teeth cleaning with the hygienist. Prior to going for treatment, I also had a relaxing bath with coconut oil on my face and neck, with jasmine on my hairline.

The thymus is about acceptance, so if you are loving your body, and letting your body know that you care for it and that it is loved, it will be more accepting of what is required. Jasmine is for the nervous system.


Coconut Oil and Jasmine for the hair 

My nutrient drink will be with Kiwi and fresh Pineapple fruit, maybe with some goats milk. Kiwi and Pineapple are ideal for the nervous system. Avocados are also on the menu this week with chives and dill. Onward and upwards, increase your manganese, its absolutely an essential nutrient.

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