
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Daughter Zion

A response to the question of divine simplicity.

'Man makes things more complex,
than they are required to be.
For divinity is graciously,
so sublime and profound,
that all that man can say
is WOW!

The immortal realm
of the divine feminine,
where wisdom resides.

Daughter Zion made note
and kept the quotes'.

Love to every nation that exalts its children. 
An integrated command, 
children to come first
in your heart from the Sure Start. 

Never shall we be apart. 
For you are always in 
my heart of love beyond 

Children you bring so 
much joy to your parents. 
Look deeply into their eyes, 
and explore their hearts. 

Children liberate the love, 
be the love liberators, 
that you were born to be. 
Blessings in abundance 
will be yours. 

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