
Thursday 7 April 2016

CoQ10 Enzyme

The older you get the more that your CoQ10 enzyme reduces in your body. It facilitates the oxygen in your muscles. John Gray, author of 'Men Come From Mars, Women Come from Venus' shares his view of it. Fortunately, my heart is great, and was so prior to doing inversion therapy which I began due to sciatica. Cell repair also improves due to collagen.  and for collagen, manganese is essential to boost it.

The heavenly Fathers command for 'Collagen' is 'Manganese' and there are some manganese posts on this blog.

What green leaves do I have this week? Chives, Dill, and Mustard Water Cress. We call it 'Mustard Water Cress' in the UK, to differentiate it from the other small leaf water cress. Its great with salad and served with fresh spinach. Its also brilliant with sliced oranges. It goes good with avocado salad and a green salad to include iceberg lettuce.

Growing Your Own Watercress

Sounds great



I was introduced to Dill in Greece in the 70's and have loved it ever since. Dill has lovely memories and it increases appetite, so its excellent for older people. Its very expensive in UK supermarkets for the small amount that you get. We could really do with a facility whereby you can get fresh Chives and Dill in larger quantities. I don't have green fingers otherwise I would grow it, and you do require the right temperature for growing dill. 

What else do I have that is green this week? Iceberg lettuce, and cucumber.

7th April of Salad, plate of water cress, bunch of dill and chives, two chopped cloves of garlic. Cream cheese and coleslaw. Olive oil for dressing.

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