
Thursday 7 April 2016

Charli Howard London

Charli Howard 

'Beauty isn't measured by a number'. 

Naturally London model Charli Howard shares with you what is like to be a model. She is standing up for herself and being her natural self for all to see after she was dumped by her model agency.

I will let Charli tell her story. Much love to you sweetheart have a lovely holiday and get some sun to your body, you are a natural beauty. You would definitely be on my casting list!

Have some lovely home made juiced nutrient drinks and take care of you and your collagen. Allow your body to be its natural weight and enjoy life for life is for living.

I remember a casting session for Clairol in London and a known model told the client where to go when she was asked whether she would be willing to have her long hair cut for the TV commercial. She gave those at the casting session a mouthful and walked out. That's a London girl for you, her name was Lorraine Chase. London girls stand up for themselves.

In Charli's video she mentions what can cause 'eating disorders' when model agencies and people working with models are always discussing their weight. How self-conscious it makes young women when they are models.

Its no coincidence that 'eating disorders' are also in the news today, and it mentions how 'eating disorders' have gone up by 8% in the last year. BEAT and the NHS refer to it as 'mental health issue'.

As a person that had an 'eating disorder' from the age of 2, and was under Barts Hospital at the age 7, I am fully aware that an 'eating disorder' in babies is a defence mechanism. Food is the only thing that a baby has to defend itself with.

Its a response from a baby to define its boundaries with parents, and it has nothing to do with 'mental health', its a baby standing up for itself, just like Charlie is standing up for herself. Babies are intuitive, and know what is best to eat - even if and when they've experiencing a birth that was traumatic, trauma that impacts on neurones.

When I was born the medics cut my cord to short, I then screamed for ten days, prior to being given operative procedure for an hernia. No surprise that I was also jaundice by that point. We also know scientifically that cutting the flesh of a child mutates genetics, although the medics had no choice but to operate due to what they had done to the baby at birth.

When I was born in the 1950's, it was not long after WW2, and I was very choosy about what I ate. I would suck lemons and we now know how important the Vit K in lemons are for the brain to accept Vit C.

I would suck vinegar out of pickled onions and liked to eat gherkins. Cucumbers and Vit A.

I would help myself to soft creamy cheese and fresh tomatoes from the fridge at dawn prior to my parents getting up for breakfast. We know now that tomatoes are important for the prostate and both men and women have a prostate. I did eat but not what my mother wished for me to eat, I had a small frame like Charli, and still do.

How to be lovely 

Just look at Charli's lovely hands, fingers and wrists, she reminds me of Audrey Hepburn with her beautiful cheekbones and eyes, classical looks. With looks like that she is made to be seen, photogenic for TV and Cinema and she sounds so lovely, a true heart, she's too lovely to be a clothes horse.

The 'eating disorder' was something that I grew out of as I got older when I was happier to eat a broader range of foods. As the doctor said to my mother, a child will never go hungry if there is food in the home. If parents make a big thing out of food it then becomes a big thing for the child, if a child doesn't feel like eating, or refuses to eat than just allow it to do so.

The child will eat when it is ready to eat, and it will eat what it likes to eat naturally. I liked a boiled egg with toast, and I liked baked beans on toast. So the doctor said to my mother, Ok, then let her eat beans on toast everyday until she's had enough of it.

When I had enough of it, I then eat spaghetti on toast, when I had enough of that, I then went back to beans on toast. The child was ensuring that her mother understood that the child was in charge of what she shall eat and when she shall eat. Which is typical of my north node in my birth chart.

In my north node, in past lives I had been a person that had been in authority, and I wasn't allowing my mother to have any authority over me. Children can be their parents teacher, if parents are open to be taught. Its hard for parents when they have their first child, as they are learning what works and what doesn't. Most parents try to be the best parents that they can be - and sometimes parents can be overprotective. Its important that parents appreciate the way that babies and young children communicate what they do and don't require of you.

In past life healing, we also found a situation whereby an 'eating disorder' in an adult child, had actually been passed on from the mother and her past life onto the child. It would be interesting from the practitioner involved in that past life what north nodes that mother and child had and to publish the story of what happened during the healing session with the mother and child's consent.

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