
Saturday 5 March 2016

White Rose Solar Eclipse

Following on from the 8th March 2016, blog post. My son gave me a White Rose, milk, butter, in pink and white and this eclipse is about the mother and son, and next of kin. How the son when he reaches the age of 33, reflects what he has learned from his mother right back to her.

What the son reflects back to his mother comes after he has integrated his first Saturn Return and the impact that had on his life, at the same time as his mother was going through her second Saturn Return, the impact of the mother and only child is huge.

Together the other side of the returns for the solar eclipse with the supermoon. The sabbath meal is fish, and the divine command is collagen and manganese. The energy of silver, Bergamot for the elders after the solar eclipse that require it. The white roses return before summer begins, the material roses. 

It is an eclipse of the mother and son, 
for he is a reflection of his mother. 
He reflects back to her what he has learned, 
the responsibility of an only child, 
that did not have to conform. 
Yet, still he chose to honour his mum. 
the mother that gave him life. 

Life is more than a breath when a baby leaves the womb, 
life is more than that, life is healing the child of the birth. 
In healing there is life and how to live in harmony with it. 

I can smell Jasmine as I write this, a Jasmine eclipse. 
The eclipse of the white rose returned.
Healing is in the silver supermoon,
that arises with the solar eclipse.
Bergamot, silver and jasmine,
and massage for the female elders.
In my heart since the start, the midwives.

Walking on boulders in the gorge,
the grand canyon.
To reach her heart to transform her feet for Pete.
Cover her in a white sheet to ensure her keep.
When she sleeps the female elders will smile.
With the cup of blessings bestowed upon her life.

Doug Fisher you will listen to what your dreams bestow.
On the bridge of peace you will see the golden fleece that returned from Greece.
Fish oils get it on  - cod liver oil, and the starflower.
Its is upon you with the science of the oils and essences.
The healing foods that are true, the workers are few.

Collagen and Manganese is the divine order.
So pay attention to the divine truth that USHA delivers.
Do not shiver, in the river.
The divine court manifests the rest,
The Shabbat meal is fish for this solar eclipse.

I had a dream this morning, I wasn't very happy.
Someone else was wearing my gold and silver jumper.

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