
Saturday 5 March 2016

8th March Solar Eclipse

Have you felt the solar eclipse energies coming in? On the 8th March 2015, there will be a solar eclipse and it is written that it is at 19 degrees of Pisces the fishes. That reminds me of the most recent dream of walking through the canyon of two mountains, walking on boulders. So its a good day to eat your fish on the 8th March, and I still haven't had my whitebait that I dreamt of.

The 8th March is the 'Day of Nonconformity' and this solar eclipse also includes a supermoon. As I am writing this I am feeling the power of the creative artists with this solar eclipse. The artists and creatives that did not conform to what humanity was anticipating.

Artists and creatives that were divinely guided to do the will of God for the good of all. So what are you cooking on the 8th and how creative will you be? What colours will you work with - how will your meal look? What will it sound like, and what music will you listen to?

How incredible will it be, this solar eclipse will be full of questions for humanity to ask themselves about the harmony in their lives, how they view harmony and what going with the flow means to the people. How the people hunger and thirst for righteousness, do they ever ask themselves how can their be justice - if and when people are hunger or are thirsty?

What shall you give to the thirsty? Water that comes out of the tap full of chemicals, is that what you drink? Do you drink goats milk, do you drink the drinks that are tailored made for your health conditions, or do you drink what you find in a shop? What do the fishes eat and drink? That you then eat and drink? The fisheries have been in the news haven't they, Jonathan Pie as been doing a good job, very creative. Big smiles!

The date also comes into the 'Week of the Loner', and its strengths is soulful, intimate, and graceful. Reclusiveness is viewed as 'weakness' rather than a lifestyle choice by some, due to people relating it to 'suffering' based upon the old academic model of reality. Yes, the prophets suffered, yes the prophets became reclusive, so did many nuns, and priests, were they also viewed as weak, were they viewed as loners? How about the artists, and those that have been bereaved?

How about the mystic St Julian of Norwich, the anchor of the light for the church and its members when she wrote of divine love from the crypt?  What is weaker to defend your body to keep it strong, or to only view reality the way some of the secular do? Do the secular rejoice when they are alone, truly alone, do they know what it is like to live in aloneness and be happy in it, without a material existence to prop them up in their secular activities. What would they be without their cars, mobile phones, their computers, their properties, and everything else that they take for granted? How happy would they be, truly alone for long lengths of time, what would they do with their time then?

My Venus is in Pisces the great giver, so it is a time of giving, and its no coincidence that in the UK, it is Mother's Day on Sunday, just prior to this solar eclipse. Its a long time since my son bought me a mothers day gift due to being able to afford it.

So what did he give? He bought me a perfect pamper kit, Skin Spa flower therapy, in pink and white packaging. It includes a body cleanser, body butter, and bath milk. So its going to be a pamper solar eclipse for yours truly, with the lovely food that he bought for me to eat. What do people do in the UK?


Then after the solar eclipse an arrangement as been made by a healer to exchange healing treatments. Again, it will be wonderful to exalt the givers that really do exist in this world. To all the sons that love their mums and take care of the mums that took care of them. To all the healers that take care of so many people, helping others with their healing - as we flow together in the harmony of our love that compels our hearts.

I hope that this solar eclipse that those that might feel alone know that we really do care for you.

2016 is a year of completion in many different realities for many different people. It is also a year of 9 of divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. 20+16 also adds up to 36 and that numeric is to do with righteous souls in Hebrew gematria. It is about those that serve humanity in the best way possible. Those that can catapult the year into a new and healthier reality for those that require it.

The 8th is the numeric of spiritual transformation, so you can allow it to be in your life. In the 3rd month of March, the anniversary of the Sophia gateway opening. In the year of 9 of divine love.

Onwards and upwards!

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