
Saturday 12 March 2016


This video is an interview with young people that were involved in the riots in Manchester. One of the youngsters being interviewed when asked about causes, responds, 'that there are too many drug lords drugging the kids', and I don't think that he is just talking about recreational drugs either.

When asked about their parents they respond that this is a different era to the one that their parents grew up in. For sure there were more opportunities for young people to progress when their parents were their age.

On that day, that they feel is legendary, they said that they felt 'Powerful', and that there was 'nothing that the police could do due to the police being outnumbered'. So what does that tell us? It tells us that they actually feel 'disempowered' by 21st century society. They find themselves in urbanised communities, whereby they view politicians and corporations as having all of the power.

Remember the 2011 riots kicked off in London due to a police officer shooting a man without trial. After the riots in London began, it then spread like wildfire, the fire of riot in little Israel, north London is mentioned in biblical prophecy.

A society that politicians, corporations and property developers have co-created together with their own interests, instead of in the interest of the people in the community. In the interview the interviewer mentions how Cameron views these urbanised communities as 'broken' and 'sick'.

Can he really hear what these youngsters are saying? If he could, he would hear that they feel 'disempowered' by what society has created for them. What future can these young people look forward to when Cameron speaks about them as he does?

These youngsters are like a growing army across the country, who won't listen to politicians until the politicians have some respect for what they have to say about the urbanised life that politicians and property developers have co-created.

Manchester is another example of mass urbanisation, and what happens to community and countryside when it is covered in concrete. When a community is neither served with the appropriate facilities, opportunities and amenities. When these communities are given no support, no jobs, and no future, who is responsible?

Those that urbanised communities, with overpopulation, in the smallest properties in Europe, shoved wealthy corporations in their faces. Councils, councillors, academics, education, health, politics, that thought they knew better than the people themselves. They all require an education in UN law and the Human Rights of the Child.

Children and young people must be consulted on everything that impacts on their lives. Children and these youth have to be involved in the planning for communities, otherwise the urbanisation will just create more ghetto's.

You cannot cover the countryside with concrete and urbanisation without detriment to the people that live upon it. It impacts on nature, that impacts on the food chain, that impacts on health, putting far greater pressure on the communities in which people live. What can London do to alleviate that pressure on the communities? Stop urbanisation of the UK, stop the overpopulation, stop the immigration. Basically, the UK is full already.

The symptom of these communities, is overpopulation, whereby population growth was more important to politicians and corporations; than the future of the indigenous children of the UK.

What is noticeable on a local level is that more houses means more council taxes that have been going to central government. What is evident is that to politicians taxes are more important than people, of course only taxes for the people - and not the corporations that the politicians serve.

However at the same time, London as the cheek to tell the local communities that it cannot afford to repair existing infrastructures; and that requires more urbanisation to provide new infrastructure in partnership with businesses, e.g. the corporations and property developers.

You might ask where are all your taxes going? To begin with we have the largest parliament in the history of the nation, did parliament see any austerity in its houses? No, parliament gave itself £11,000 a year pay rises while it put austerity measures on to the poorest and most vulnerable in the communities.

At the same time, vital community services are being cut at every chance that Cameron and his colleagues get. The Conservatives are making billions in cuts across the board.

Is Cameron a McDonald? Cameron the UK is not America, nor is it India or China.

The news yesterday was that now Manchester have to have bouncers on their doors of the American corporation of McDonalds.

I remember Earth Day and the Buddhists were recommending that everyone pick up litter and take a bus. I pointed out some very serious realities to them, that picking up litter and taking the bus will neither save the Buddhists that are being murdered in Southern Thailand, nor will it save the planet while urbanisation is building houses and homes that are not ecological.

So what are they doing locally, they're picking up litter for Elizabeth. Jonathan Pie says they're 'twats'. I agree with him.

Cameron will have them cleaning the motorways and hospitals for free next. So keep on paying your taxes into the Cameron drain, because Cameron isn't giving it back. Billions have been cut from public services, services that we paid for. Apparently, 1.4M of the 'unemployed' have now been forced to work for the corporations for free, and they're given their 'unemployment' in exchange.

The Cameron and DWP have the audacity to remove those people from the 'unemployment' stats and tell people that 'unemployment' as reduced due to what they've done.

When in fact, its 'slave labour'! Does it remind you of the match girls? I remember educating our class at school on the story of the match girls in a class debate about equality.

I was 12 years old at the time and my socialist dad had tutored his daughter on how to use her voice in defence of the poor and the most vulnerable workers.

The corporations have said that they are axing jobs for the over 25's, as they refuse to pay a living wage. When in reality what the corporations have done, salaries haven't increased in real terms, since the late 1980's.

At the same time the cost of living has soared beyond what most people can earn to live. Hence people in the UK are in debt beyond what they can afford to pay. Picking up litter won't change that, it will just encourage the corporations to put even more pressure on the people and the environment.

You see, you have to have insight into what the corporations have done with the urbanisation that has been created with their social engineering of children.


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