
Saturday 12 March 2016


In the fisher dream there was a woman with the name of Amanda and we were walking on boulders in a large gorge.

Today in the news is another Tory 'scandal', the Tory MP with the name of Amanda Solloway and her husband ROB. Amanda is the newly elected MP for Derby North. The MP a so-called management consultant lives in a £500,000 detached home, her husband's business has gone into 'liquidation' leaving families in the debts that they charged people fees to reduce. Hence, they were making money on the back of other peoples debts!

The Daily Mail report that 'this is acutely embarrassing for the 54 year old because she sits on the Common's business, innovation and skills committee, and as co-written a book about how to be successful in business. Called Emotional Intelligence: Activities for Developing You and Your Business, it advises how to 'establish trust' within a company'. 

Does it remind you of the Malachi prophecy? Malachi 3:7-9 where it mentions the 'robbing?'

I remember Rob in business in the 80's and the people didn't wish to hear the truth about what Rob had done to a single-parent mum. Cameron likes 'robbing' women and the disabled doesn't he?

30% decrease of financial help for the disabled, and removal of pensions for women born in the 1950's. As this nation ever seen so much 'robbing' by government officials and their partners in the 20th or 21st century?

Then of course there is the immigrant charities like these people from Bangladesh that have just been charged due a 'theft of 1.6M from the public purse.' Immigration is great isn't it?

The indigenous people of the UK are being 'robbed' in every aspect of what was a welfare state that we happily paid for during our working lives. From education, to health. From cradle to grave and even after the grave people are taxed to the hilt.

So much so the cost of living is higher than most people can earn to live, another reason why the UK is in so much debt. Salaries have not increased in real terms in the UK since the late 80's, we know why don't we?

The Malachi prophecy explains why.


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