
Tuesday 8 March 2016


Robert Wilkinson and I always seem to be in alignment. Another great article about this solar eclipse from Robert. This is a short excerpt from his article.

" Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces over time will show us wisdom at the end of a long cycle in our lives, and remove old ghosts, sorrows, frustrations, and things that have been unresolved for a long time. We will all experience a form of healing. For some, a mentor will arrive, while others will have to say goodbye to a mentor or teacher who will move on.

Due to a peculiar mix of aspects, this Eclipse ushers in a period of finding newer, more effective ways to be of service to our world. Those who experience an intensification or quickening in the midst of peculiar or vast feelings will find unexpected serendipity and unique interactive gifts and opportunities. Power and renewal are promised at the end of a long cycle, as well as the turning of major corners of life and experience." 

Read more


My total solar eclipse energies have been about food and nutrients, how about you? I like the idea of growing your own beansprouts in six days.

Solar Eclipse Soup

Candles of Zion

White Rose Solar Eclipse

8th March Solar Eclipse

Mother's Day RUAH

Verona Decorum

This evening when I was preparing a salad, the olives and what they were in went onto the floor all over my left foot. It is that foot that still feels like it has an injury. Olive oil for the left foot.

Alison Message - Olive Branch

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