
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Alison Porter explains the nitty gritty of clinical commissioning groups. I looked at the clinical commissioning groups because the BBC have issued a report that indicates that people at the rock face are saying that money allocated to the NHS, is not reaching the grass roots of patient care. 

NHS England, then had to give their response to the budget breakdown of £143M. When you look at the budget breakdown, the highest amount of the budget has gone to clinical commissioning groups and that makes you wonder, how much people like Alison Porter are being paid in salaries? 

£75 million as gone to the clinical commissioning groups, that is a huge amount of money. Alison Porter explains that commissioning of services as been separated from patient care itself. That indicates that these people are the decision makers and buyers for the NHS corporations, under an NHS umbrella. In corporate terms thats like have a group holding company, with all the different companies underneath it. Tiers and tiers of people above the people that are actually doing the job with patients hands on. 

£75M   Clinical Commissioning Groups 

£21M   Health Education England. 

£15M   Perinatal Care (£11m underspend) 

£12M   Improving Access to Psychological Therapies. 

£10M   Hospital beds. 

£5M     Administrative costs for NHS England (£4M and DOH (£1M)

£2M     Improving care for young people in justice system. 

£2M     Joint programme with Department of Education to improve services in schools. 

£1M     Support for children with learning disabilities in long-term care. 

Source: NHS England 

The additional funding this year allocated in the March 2015 budget was meant to be £1.25BN investment over five years. Campaigners were expecting £250M this year, and the Department of Health said in August, that 'only £143M would be spent as providers did not have the capacity to spend anymore', and those that are at the sharp end are asking where is the funding? 

If you look at those figures, you can see £113M going into health education and admin. Perhaps the BBC would like to ask for a further breakdown of those budgets. The fact of the matter is that patients are not receiving the immediate help that they require; while all these people are discussing it. And as far as their psychological therapies are concerned, there is a major challenge by clinicians against what the NHS as implemented, e.g. IAPT CBT. CBT is the type of commissioning that these people would be involved in - and as we know that is an American system, that originated in Philadelphia.

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