
Saturday 26 March 2016

Sjogren's 'Disability Denial'

This video is about a case in America where a woman was denied disability financial help. The case shows that what the American insurance companies do to people in America, is the same system that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown introduced to the UK with ATOS.

Remember this ATOS is a company that were into MOT's yet they won a major contract to be involved in major decisions that impact upon people's health.

As we know ATOS resigned after a thorough investigation, although from what I have heard, the situation with the 'disabled' was not improved. In fact, more and more people are being 'denied disability' and are being forced to go on workfare programmes. You do have legal rights and I think its time that the job centre and DWP get hammered with civil cases against it. I recommend that people have a chat with the Citizen's Advice Bureau prior to talking to the local court.

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