
Saturday 26 March 2016

ELI ELI Dinner

Have you nurtured you today?


A small bowl of rolled oats, with sunflower, pumpkin and fennel seeds with sultanas covered with my purim drink that include fresh strawberries, raspberries and lemon juice for neurones.


After that bathed, hands on Reiki healing, Jasmine aromatherapy oil, and coconut oil.

Cleaned teeth with coconut oil while bathing as I didn't feel like eating.



I boiled some eggs yesterday. So I shall have an egg mayonnaise with spring onions and mayonnaise as a starter. I always liked egg mayonnaise as one of my starters. Its important to eat little and often so that the body receives the nutrients that it requires on a regular basis. Although that is hard, if you don't have an appetite. So make sure that you have your nutrient drinks or get your nutrients in a different way.

Eggs are brilliant for the vital body, so make sure you have some eggs every week, one of the best things that we gave to children was a boiled egg for breakfast. The slogan used to be, 'go to work on an egg'. I always remembered that slogan, so when I started work, I used to buy a boiled egg, and crisp bread with cream cheese, garlic and chives for breakfast.

On my egg mayonnaise I can also put some marinated anchovies, and some capons for teeth, delicious. So I shall have that first, prior to preparing and putting dinner in the oven.


Will include some salmon, sweet potato, sweet peppers, onions, asparagus, garlic, basil, paprika.

With a fresh salad of leeks, celery, grated carrot, apricots, sultanas and avocado and whatever else I fancy to include.

Enjoy, Purim Shabbat.

While I was preparing the sweet potato for the oven with the garlic.

Afterwards I could smell coffee. The heavenly Father is asking for coffee cake with walnuts.

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