
Tuesday 29 March 2016


Having written a book about 'Depression' decades ago. Here we are decades later and mind health is still intrinsically connected with the drug companies.

In the latest article from the Daily Telegraph, Dr Jeff Barrett, who works for the Wellcome Trust's Sanger Institute said: "If we understand the fundamental biology of the disease it might be relevant in developing new ideas for therapies that are applicable to a wide range of patients". In the next breath he says, "So if by doing studies like this we can strongly implicate one area of biology it gives us a new lead for drug companies to try to develop new therapies".

Pray tell me when did a pharmaceutical drug become a therapy? 'The UK now has the seventh highest prescribing rate for antidepressants in the Western world, separate figures show, with around four million Britons taking them each year - twice as many as a decade ago'. 

Peter Kinderman, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, said, "And yet it detracts from the fact that when unemployment rates go up in a particular locality you get a measurable number of suicides'.

How would those doctors feel if they knew that they are one of the causes, that the NHS is one of the causes? How would they feel if they knew that successive governments are one of the causes due to the impact that governments have on the lives of the people? Would they then develop a drug for that?

If you release any tension and cry in the GP's office they think that person is depressed. If you live as a recluse as hermits have always done, they think you are depressed, because some people don't live as they live in a materialistic reality.

If GP thinks a person is depressed, they immediately prescribe anti-depressants to that person. Drugs are the only thing that GP's have to offer a person when life circumstances impact on a person and their life.

If you tell those so-called professionals that you are not depressed, they then tell you that you are bereaved. When you tell them that you are not bereaved they then asked people to come back to see them again for another assessment. Seriously, how many chances do they require to get it right?

I don't think any of them have read any of Carl Jung or comprehend the rite of passage, they proved that they haven't kept pace with the latest cutting edge biology and scientific breakthroughs.

How many people say no to doctors and their 'drug pushing?' That's what doctors are 'drug pushers'.

Now remember how pharmaceutical companies have tried to stop alternative medicine and natural healing therapies that have helped so many people to make a breakthrough. Can Jeff Barrett or Peter Kinderman liberate the love - can they heal consciousness? How many physical conditions have they solved, what did they learn from their rite of passage?

What has happened to our people in this country is more than a catastrophe due to the pharmaceutical companies and the universities that support those drug companies - in hand with successive governments. Pharmaceutical drugs that in most cases do more harm than good.

The other week a young man was sharing with me that all his friends were put on those anti-depressants. That they've been on them for years - and now they can't be taken off of them.

In the 90's I met an eminent doctor and I asked her why she had come to see me to help her to heal her depression.  She responded, 'They teach us to cut up bodies and not how to heal emotions'.

Doctors get depressed, doctors commit suicide, in the same way that other people do, so why can't they work it out, did they make any breakthroughs?

Funny, when I had finished writing my rant of the day, an icon suddenly opened up on my computer and it said, iBook get started.

I met up with an American clinical psychologist in Edinburgh and she asked yours truly to do some soul retrieval healing work with her. She was so impressed by the 3 hour healing session, that she begged me to do a Phd on my healing work at Edinburgh University.

That American clinical psychologist also lived as a recluse although she was happy to come out for lunch. I took some friends in Edinburgh to meet her, as she was a very eccentric elder. She had moved from America to the UK due to what happened to her in the USA.

Heaven and earth is my witness!

In the Rev 12 timeline I also spoke at a SpiritAid conference in Scotland on 'depression' as I knew that there were a lot of people with it in Scotland. I also gave my time freely and provided a divine workshop. Some lovely people attended and it included the author and scientist Dr David Hamilton.

During my visits to Scotland in that timeline, David was given a copy of the book that I had written. I spent much time with the Scots to help them with their journey when asked to do so.

We were raising money for the charity that focusses on children that have suffered trauma in war zones and I spoke up about counsellors and what some of them do. What do counsellors know about the rite of passage? Do you know how many counsellors suffer from depression? What did Carl Jung say about the initiations, do they know? Do they know why Carl began to paint mandalas?

I was also invited to speak about the success of holistic work at a personal development exhibition at London Excel and at a Science and Consciousness conference in England. The success of the work for Sure Start was shared with other professionals in the field.

It was at London Excel that I launched Spiritual Psychology.

I spoke to a senior lecturer at a local university to get some feedback on the request made by the retired American clinical psychologist in Edinburgh. Do you know what the university lecturer said?

Her advice was to write a book about the work, she said that has as much credibility as doing a Phd.

I don't think I've ever stopped writing, do you?

However, there is no drug replacement for what I and our healers of consciousness can do. There is no university education required for being divinely guided and guiding others divinely. Although I could develop the education required for people that would like to become Spiritual Psychologists with all of the science to back it up. A lifetime of experience of healing consciousness is hard to come by - and wisdom is more precious than rubies.

If you wish to begin on the healing path then I recommend that you begin with becoming trained in Reiki healing, hands on with the love, once on the path you will then be shown what is next and what is required for your soul journey. It is often the case that 'inner child' work as to be engaged in - with vibrational medicine. All her paths are peaceful, wisdom is like a tree of life.

When giving Reiki you are working with the neurones, you are increasing the oxygen in the blood and a lot more. Miracles abound in the right hands for energy is intelligent as is the heart. The mind, body and soul responds to the love beyond measure. Magnanimous love therapies include aromatherapy with healing oils, Reiki with massage, for as it is written the leaves are for healing the nations.

Painting gifted to a special soul in Holland. 

I stood up at MIND charity conference, and spoke up, I shared about the work of Carl Jung, and how it is essential that MIND take the soul into consideration. And that holistic healing care is essential for anyone that is suffering from any, and I mean any and all health conditions.

With serious physical conditions it can require intensive healing with more than one healer working on a patient at the same time. On a Reiki healing training course, all the healers that are in training get to work on each other and that makes it very powerful when you have six to seven healers plus their RM working on one person at a time. That is intense, and I've witnessed some profound outcomes when healers work together. Physical diseases that left the body after the people received the healing blessings.

The energy team have to be included in the healthcare of patients. As its stand, only those that can afford the appropriate healing therapies are receiving what is required as each individual is unique.

Each individual as a unique case history and journey, each require individual and the utmost attention, in purest intention. Of course diet and lifestyle is a factor and once people attend a Reiki training course, their lives do change in a positive manner.

Once experienced, never forgotten the power of it to help people to change their lives. Many said that it was like the light had gone on for the first time and the light is to do with hope. Their hope had been ignited, their light was aflame with the power of love. It is wondrous to witness it happen before your very eyes. Yes, we do touch, we do hug and we do love in self-disclosure.

For the power of love is eternal. How many teachers do you know that were still in touch with their students ten years and longer after they originally did their training? How many students stayed in touch with their spiritual teachers and followed every move they made in the progression on the path of enlightenment? How many knew in their hearts that they could return at any time, and yours truly would always help them if and when required.

Whether it is for themselves or whether it is for their children, and or families. Wisdom exists and is always ready to give the outpouring of lovely blessings. The journey was long and there was much to give, Reiki 1, II and III is just the preparation for the next phase of the journey that begins when you engage with your groups of trainee healers.

It begins with the healing of self, then healing others as a practitioner, then qualifying to teach years after you have some experience with the healing discipline.

If you chose wisely, then you have chosen an RM with high standards, with a unique quality and attributes that astound people when in their presence in the sacred space that they created especially for you to enjoy. Namaste!

You would choose an RM with a lot of experience in either holistic work or spiritual experience and some had both. People tended to be drawn to the teachers that had something very important to impart to those students - and it was often the case that the group had a previous past life connection. In some cases, it wasn't until years later that those students realised how important it was. Some compared teachers and what they were provided with.

Yes, they discovered that standards differ, commitment differs, not every healer or teacher is the same. Those that chose the best that they could afford, were certainly highly rewarded for doing so.

For as it is written the worthy are chosen by those that are worthy of you.

The LORD has his miracle workers in his hand, we do his will divinely, the heavenly Father.

The Spirit of God gave his healers, his miracle workers, power, love and discipline. His holy family of healers exist in integrity, and will always exist in the purity of the power of love, for we did it all for love.

As the Son of God said in 2011, 'We are moving into awesomeness'. 2011 was the year of perfected love.

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