
Tuesday 29 March 2016


On the 9th March, the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Libraries'.

Now there is a report by the BBC that they did a freedom of information request on libraries - and 8,000 jobs have gone and more library closures are in the pipeline. A quarter of the library staff have gone and hundreds of libraries have closed.

Children's Author Alan Gibbons said, 'the public library service faced the greatest crisis in its history.' He also said, 'Opening hours are slashed, book stocks reduced'.

343 Libraries closed.
110 Buildings shut.
111 Closing this year.

Over 31,000 unpaid volunteers? Sounds like they came from the workfare programme. People being forced to work for unemployment. 'Slave Labour UK'.

The Daily Telegraph also did a freedom of information request. 

They can't afford the libraries they say, but they can afford to give £400,000 lump sum payment of pensions to fire chiefs to retire them off, then rehire them again afterwards. This is also happening in the NHS and the police force. So what did the home office say? "We have been extremely clear that payments for so-called boomerang bosses are an unacceptable use of taxpayers money, especially when fire services are meant to be making sensible savings".

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