
Thursday 17 March 2016

Matthew 3:16

Matthew 3:16 March the anniversary of the blessing upon Greece and the opening of the Sophia gateway of wisdom.

"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him".

Being baptised in water always reminds me of Israel in May 2006 when our group was together at the Sea of Galilee on the 22nd of May. Its no coincidence that I received a phone call from a Jewish friend today, in the month of ADAR, when our joy increases to see each other again. With open hearts and open arms hugging each other, a reunion of two women that shared a journey together.

The elder and the younger and I also spoke to another elder too, a lovely Christian woman and we are sharing together about healing and healing foods. No surprise then that the verse of the day is thus:

"Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience". Colossians 3:12


How could I be so unrelenting, if it were not for compassion, kindness, humility (of heart) gentleness and patience? How could this swan of grace have survived it all, with all my heart if it were not for what he taught me with all of his heart?

The sheer power of the love that he showered upon yours truly. The hearts that he brought together for divine purpose, a life journey. To be baptised in the Sea of Galilee was the most incredible and wonderful blessing. I hope to return to Israel again, when I can afford to do so, to walk upon the land again would be lovely, a deserved holiday in the sunshine.

I have so much to share, and so much that I would like to do. Just help financially, and I could do so much more to help others. While I am still on the planet physically, give me good health again, and the strength to continue to complete what you would like me to do for you.

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