
Thursday 17 March 2016

Chatsworth House Tapestry Discovery

The Daily Telegraph share with us that the conservation work was a major undertaking for the textile team at Chatsworth - six years in the planning and then two years for the work to be completed by Shepherd Travis. I do wish that the Daily Telegraph would hire a proof-reader to check their articles, as I keep on having to correct their typo's. Can they spell at the Daily Telegraph, or do the journalists use spell checkers? Maybe they just reprinted the press release without proof-reading it first.

Anyway, the article is about the Mortlake Tapestries and a great discovery as been made during the renovation of them. A priceless and rare 400-year-old piece of art at Chatsworth House. Apparently the tapestries are based on Renaissance painter Raphael's Acts of the Apostles, and the article says that they're the only surviving examples outside of the Vatican to show the cartoons.

What I found interesting is the close up of the tapestry where it looks like the mans knuckles and finger joints are swollen as in arthritic joints. It would be interesting to see more close up pics.

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