
Wednesday 9 March 2016

London Woman Dream

I was in London and went to see if a person was still living where I once lived. I looked at the flat that a woman used to live in, and it looked like the flat was 'empty' and there wasn't anyone living in it.

Then all of a sudden I saw one of the women that used to live in the place. We began to talk, I was very pleased to see her, but she was very concerned that she had a health condition that had impacted upon her chin, and she put her hand on her chin where it was.

In the dream I shared with the woman about the healing work that I had done in the past, including about the miracles, and I offered her my help. Then the dream ended.

In dream interpretation a dream of a serious health condition, can be a warning not to speculate. And after the dream, the local community were discussing 'property speculation' Being implemented by London. Property developers came to our local community, they are planning on urbanising the countryside.

Due to England being in an infrastructure crisis, due to the overpopulation of a very small country. Due to the high cost of property in London, people are being driven out of London to the countryside, and when that happens now, it means urbanisation that people in the countryside are not happy about.

The more urbanisation there is - the more health conditions that come with it, the more 'pollution' there is the more pressure on vital services, the more pressure on the people. The more pressure on the people, the more pressure on the NHS that can't cope with the rapid demand in growth in health conditions.

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