
Tuesday 8 March 2016


Tuesday, the 21st February, 2012. While bathing I was given a beautiful vision of giant hands of the LORD, and he had planet earth in his hands. It was like he was giving me the world.

Then afterwards I could hear voices of some people, and they were talking about going to Dunkirk. At the time, on the blogpost, it was written that 'the term "Dunkirk Spirit' refers to the solidarity of the British people in times of adversity'. 

After that I recorded that I saw David Cameron getting on a Euro train and he was going to France to see the French PM.

8th March, 2016, DUNKIRK is in the news. Dunkirk, France involved in the migrant crisis, 2,000 migrants have entered the UK via people 'smugglers'.

In the comments section of the original blogpost on the archive blog, I also shared two Nostradamus prophecies that mention France.

C12.Q71 'To run in France; this as in oracles. Houses, Manors, Palace shaven sect'. C9.Q72 'Plundered by the Senate of Toulouse, Saturn two three cycles complete. In April, May people of new leaven'.

Interesting that we have council elections coming up in May in the UK, and there is a marathon in Paris on the 3rd of April.

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