
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Graeme Ellis Conservative Disability Group

A long time Conservative voter wheelchair-bound diabetic Graeme Ellis has left the Conservative Party and taken the Conservative Disability Group website with him.

Graeme said that what the Conservatives are doing is 'destroying lives'. Graeme as responded to the 'injustice' seen even by those people that earn more than £43K. The budget included tax cuts for the rich and a tax cut in corporation tax, while the cuts to PIP pay for it. It looks like many more disabled conservatives will leave Cameron's party of supporting the richest at the expense of the poorest and most vulnerable.

Jeremy Corbyn told MP's, "This budget has unfairness at its very core, paid for by those who can least afford it". "Further benefits to the rich have been generously dished out be slashing Capital Gains Tax - prompting further embarrassment for the chancellor".

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