
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Baby Boom UK

Infrastructures are at breaking point and there is an immigration baby boom in the UK. Daily Mail report that one in six of all new European babies are now born in the UK. ONS figures show that there has been a 16 per cent increase on the number of babies born in 2001. In 2001 they were telling British women to have more babies or they will be outnumbered. Then they force those young mothers to go to work, instead of bring up their children.


5.1 million babies were born in the EU in 2014, with 775,900 born in the UK. Of course those figures don't include the migrant mothers that might have gone to their home country to give birth does it? Also migrant mothers account for an increase in birth rate that is a fifth higher than women born in the UK. Cultural genocide anyone?

Of course 'the figures have prompted concerns for schools, councils and the NHS, which are already struggling to cope with the population caused by high net migration and people living longer'.

What are you going to do with all of those children David Cameron? News is that he is extending the school hours of the children and going to make them stay on at school until they're age 18. When in fact, it has already been proven that children in the UK start school two years too early and that has impacted upon their academic abilities. I started work at age 13 part-time, and age 15 full-time, six days a week.

When will they learn? Making children work for longer hours will not increase their productivity or academic abilities. Children require sleep and rest while they are growing up. They also require a lot of fresh air, not stuck in a class room all day long, sitting in the same position in front of technology.

Then go to work or university if their parents can afford it, where they do more sitting until eventually their bodies catch up with what has been done to it. Did people realise what all that sitting would do to the backs of children?

Babies are not born to serve the corporations, where are all the jobs going to come from for all of those children Cameron? The corporations have already said that they're axing jobs for the over 25s so what use is an education when they can't even earn a living wage when they do start work?

Some children have been out of work for 50% of their working lives, and some children didn't get on the career ladder because no-one would give those children an opportunity. What happened to investors in people? The only person that Cameron invests in is in the corporations.

More babies and more urbanisation that serves the corporations that now have more tax cuts at the expense of the poorest and disabled in the UK. Cameron can't even look after the indigenous people of the UK, let alone look after all of the migrants and their children.

Social cleansing is happening in London pushing people that were born in London into the countryside; that they're also urbanising and that removes fresh country air due to their removal of fields and trees. It also impacts on the eco-system of the planet that was at tipping point a long time ago.


Although he says he can afford to put away £50,000 a year for each Syrian child, while at the same time he has removed the pensions from 1950s women. Baby boom population explosion, when will the journalists start writing about the 'cultural genocide' that is underway? How long will it take for the journalists to wake up?

That's my righteous rant for the day.

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