
Monday 8 February 2016

Storm Imogen

On the 3rd February, I had a dream of a flood that came upon an old building and the people were running to escape from the floods.

Today, in the news Storm Imogen is sweeping across the South West of the UK and an RSPCA Inspector is missing, reports the BBC. 'All trains in and out of Cornwall cancelled as tree hits the mainline and passengers have been evacuated. Rail services between Exeter and Tiverton have also been halted as a precaution. People have been urged to stay from the coast due to what is being described as 'phenomenal seas'. 

Winds up to 96 MPH

The name Imogen as been linked to Ireland and is thought to come from the Old Irish Ingen that means 'maiden' or 'girl'. I always thought the name was german with german origins. However, Shakespeare featured 'Innogen' for a ghost character in some of the versions of 'Much ado about nothing'. And he used the name 'Imogen' for a British princess in Cymbeline.

Apparently, it was also the name of a legendary Celtic Queen, the wife of King Brutus. The name can be found in England, Ireland and Scotland, as such, it is clearly a celtic name. Legends upon legends, some have even written that the name Britain comes from the name Brutus.

Also in Ireland its been kicking off with Republicans standing against PEGIDA who are defending Ireland against sharia law. It is the Irish Republicans that have been 'violent' towards Pegida protests.

There are 25 million Irish Americans, and Clinton and Obama both went to Ireland.

Have you ever heard of TTIP? Jonathan Pie shares with us what TTIP is.

Ireland has become a tax haven for American corporations, and jobs were moved from America to Ireland. Lots of mosques being built in Ireland, and there have been cases of trafficking women to Ireland from poorer European countries.

Young girls that went to Ireland to marry a Muslim man for money. It was also found that the same was happening in London and I first heard about it in 2007. At first the Liberal Democrat MP didn't wish to hear about it. However, years later the police uncovered what was going on, and it was in the news. You can be sure that its been going on all over Europe.

Ireland a lapdog for US Imperialism

Is that what America calls distributing wealth? Distributing women to Islamic men, building mosques and tax havens for the rich American corporations?  How about the arms that Obama apparently moved through Ireland? Or the flotilla that went close into Israeli waters in 2010 and the arms that were found on those boats?

Does Ireland also support Turkey being included into the EU membership? Or side with Islam at the UN? It looks like it. Remember this it was Clinton that was doing high fives with the Turkish PM in 2010, after that - the top Turkish brass walked out on their PM. At least some Turks have some integrity.

So will that storm Imogen reach the shores of Ireland?

Anything is possible, I do think that the Irish will get a very big message and a wake-up call that will impact upon their very foundations of their country, and what it is based upon. Is Ireland fracking too? I remember when it was written that Ireland and Scotland were also in discussions in respect of where they were going with energy. Perhaps they plan to get their electricity from Morocco to please the world bank instead of getting off the grid of the corporations altogether.

It makes you wonder how much Irish politicians were paid to allow their country to be covered in mosques, and what do the Republicans get out of it? The Irish wars never end do they, once one war is over, they create another one in hand with Obama and Clinton.

Does it remind you of WW2 that was featured in the dream? I did wonder if the historians have any facts on the infiltration of European countries by germans and Muslims prior to WW2 and that is how it became possible to do what they did so quickly.

Even Putin knows that Obama as been arming those that stood against Assad in Syria and the Irish MP Clare Daly spoke of those arms going through Ireland. Did you know that the trafficking of women isn't illegal in Ireland, maybe that goes back to the days of when the church was trafficking women and children.

Did you know that in Chicago they've put a woman in a red burka in the Church and the Catholics have told people thats the woman in Rev 12.

I don't wear a red burka, although I can see how Ireland could be considered to be from the tribe of Esau due to the red heads and being hairy. Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame.

In 2009, the Irish were aware of the white flight from Ireland, and that the Irish were becoming the minority in Ireland.

That video reminds of us of 2005, when Jesus spoke of the genocide of the Church when Benedict was elected. At the end of 2007, I was compelled to write about cultural genocide and distribute it to people. It makes you wonder how many people put the effort into sharing that information in January, 2008 when it was published. It doesn't look like the Irish Republicans plan on defending their country and the genocide of it.

Floods and guns in the same dream. Irish Republicans shooting.

That reminds me I also had an IRA dream in 2015, and I found that it means, 'Wrath', a member of my family came to warn me in the dream about the IRA.

Given the name Bruce and that reminds me of Bruce Wilson-North, such a lovely man, a client and we had harmonious respect for each other when we were working together. After he left the company he stayed in touch and sent me a card. Bruce and I were working together when I was bereaved over the Son of Joseph in the 80's prior to my launch of a new business.

I remember when we were working together and I shared with him that I didn't feel that he would be staying working for that company that he was a board director of. I felt that he would be moving to a different company, and sure enough, he did.

The last job that I did for him was a recruitment job, a corporate newsletter for recruiting staff in the local area - due to the high cost of advertising jobs for the company. I advised the company to move their budget into a different reality.

It was a huge success and Bruce shared that he didn't think that the company would have to advertise for staff again, due to the huge influx of responses that the company had received. He was very pleased with the outcome of the work and what was made possible. It was most cost-effective.

It just goes to show that there were a huge amount of people looking for jobs in manufacturing, even in the 80's people were willing to work in manufacturing for such a prestigious company.

There is a scholarship in his name.

Tommy Robinson shares what is going on in the prison system. 70% of people in French prisons are Muslims and what happened to him in the UK. Tommy is lucky to be alive, he also shares what's happening in schools in England with the children and how Islam is being promoted in English schools to the children.

Message from 2011. 'Its right at the door, he's not going to wait much longer'. 'Tell them that they have to pay for your food. They have to pay your wages'.

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