
Monday 8 February 2016

Caribbean's and Housework

A new study of 30,000 couples in the UK, as found that Black Caribbean men do more housework than married white men. The study found that Caribbean men were doing 40% of the chores in the home, reports Matt Hunter, journalist on the Daily Mail.

Of course, the women do more than the men and they say we have equality. My son rarely does any, he likes to spend his free time on the computer. Big smiles! If I would like anything done, I have to give him a list. Otherwise he conveniently forgets.

Sometimes I wish I had never introduced a computer to our home when he was a child. Us mums gave the children computers in those days because we thought it would help them with their school work, although he rarely did any school work on it. In fact, I don't remember him ever doing any school work on his computer. So much for computers and technology, generations of children that are computerised now.

If I had my time again, I'd ban the computer being involved in my child's life.

I think I should've been an Amish, I like their farms, and horse and carriages.

I am being light hearted, I hope you realise that. 

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